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A flexible video presentation format, and the most important part of Rally.

Zach Dunn avatar
Written by Zach Dunn
Updated over 3 months ago

Stories are a flexible presentation format that you can watch like a video. They support multiple types of content, so you can add things like slides, screenshots, or screen recordings. Think of it like an ongoing presentation you can narrate and change whenever you need.

Viewing your stories

When you first sign in, you will see a list of stories you've created within your workplace. From here you can view, edit, or create a new story to share.

Stories with a globe icon are shared publicly. Hover over a story to see the publishing status, including if any changes have been made since the last time it was published.

Watching a story

When viewing a story, it appears like a video with each section presented as a chapter. You can individually update any one of these, without redoing the entire video.

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