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Automatically create meeting rooms for interviews in Rally.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 10 months ago

Automatically create meeting rooms to conduct virtual interviews through Zoom by adding it as the location when you set up Scheduling for Interview Studies in Rally.

Connect to Zoom

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Connected Accounts'.

  3. To the right of Zoom, select 'Connect Zoom'.

  4. A popup will appear asking you to log into your Zoom account. Enter your email and password, or use your preferred sign-on method with Google.

  5. Approve the requested permissions, listed in the table below, by selecting 'Allow'.

  6. Once complete, your Zoom account should be connected and ready to use!

Required Permissions

When connecting your Zoom account to Rally, we'll ask for the following required permissions:



Reason for permission

View and manage your meetings

This scope allows Rally to view and manage user's meetings. This includes performing actions such as scheduling and updating meetings, and updating live streaming options.

Rally needs the ability to manage your meetings in Zoom to generate unique Zoom links for interviews scheduled through Rally.

View user info

This allows Rally to view your own user information.

Rally needs access to your account's information so we can associate your Zoom account with your Rally account. We use this information to check if the status of your Zoom account is connected or disconnected.

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