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Connect SurveyMonkey

Build Studies with comprehensive Screeners and Surveys, and monitor and store Participant responses within Rally.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 5 months ago

While Rally's robust native Screener and Survey tools are available automatically, connecting your SurveyMonkey account to Rally can unlock additional use cases, allowing your team to utilize different SurveyMonkey features and projects together with Rally.

Screening with SurveyMonkey

Build your Screener in SurveyMonkey and send it out through Rally to leverage more complex Screener questions and track Study sign-ups in Rally.

Survey Studies with SurveyMonkey

Build your Survey in SurveyMonkey and recruit your Participants through Rally to automate and track outreach and participation, and close the loop with an incentive in Rally.

How does the SurveyMonkey Integration work?

This integration is managed by the Rally UXR application in SurveyMonkey.

💡 This integration requires a SurveyMonkey account with access to the "Custom Variables" and "Survey Redirect" paid features to work accordingly. Confirm that your SurveyMonkey plan provides access to these features before connecting your account with Rally by viewing the SurveyMonkey pricing page.

Required Permissions

Before configuring your SurveyMonkey Integration with Rally, ensure you have the correct user permissions.

SurveyMonkey Permissions

The SurveyMonkey integration connection in Rally should be done by someone with a SurveyMonkey permissions level that allows full access to all SurveyMonkey surveys. This ensures that all SurveyMonkey surveys will be available in the dropdown when building a Rally Study or Panel using SurveyMonkey for the screener or survey.

Rally Permissions

🚨 Connecting SurveyMonkey requires an Ops Manager, Developer, or Admin role type in Rally.

Set Up the SurveyMonkey Integration

After you have the correct User Permissions, you can set up your SurveyMonkey integration with Rally.

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Connected Apps'.

  3. To the right of SurveyMonkey, select 'Connect' and follow the steps.

The Rally application in SurveyMonkey requires the following permissions:

  • Create, Modify, and View Surveys

  • Create, Modify, and View Collectors

  • Create, Modify, and View Webhooks

  • View Responses

Use the SurveyMonkey Integration in Rally

Now that you've connected your SurveyMonkey account to Rally, you're ready to use SurveyMonkey surveys in Rally Studies.

Use SurveyMonkey Surveys in Rally Studies

  1. In Rally, navigate to the Studies page and create a new Study with a Screener or Survey.

  2. In the Screener or Survey section, select 'SurveyMonkey' from the Survey Tool dropdown.

  3. From the SurveyMonkey Survey dropdown, select the correct SurveyMonkey survey.

  4. Select 'Preview' near the top of the page to preview how the SurveyMonkey survey will appear to Participants in Rally. Select 'View Survey in SurveyMonkey' to view or edit your SurveyMonkey survey.

  5. Finish filling in the rest of your Study information.

Voila! You now have a Rally Study with a Survey powered by SurveyMonkey that can be shared with Participants.

View SurveyMonkey Survey Responses

Now that you have a Study with a SurveyMonkey survey, you can share the link to the Study landing page with your Participants and prospects and gather some responses. To view the responses follow these steps:

  1. In Rally, navigate to the Study and select 'Screener Responses or 'Survey Responses' from the sidepanel.

  2. Hover over a Participant's name to select the three dots and select 'View Screener Responses' or 'View Survey Responses' to view individual Participants' responses, or scroll to the right to see all Participant responses simultaneously.

  3. When viewing a specific Participant's responses, you can also view the responses in SurveyMonkey by selecting 'View Responses In SurveyMonkey'.

💡 Currently, we do not support all SurveyMonkey question types in Rally. If any questions are not present in the responses panel, follow the steps above and select 'View Response In SurveyMonkey' to view all your questions and responses.

SurveyMonkey FAQ

ℹ️ I responded to a SurveyMonkey survey using Rally, why is it not showing up in the responses tab?

  • It may take a few minutes for Survey responses to flow from SurveyMonkey into Rally. Try refreshing the Screener responses page after a few minutes. If you still cannot see them, please contact us and we will take a look.

ℹ️ Why are some of my SurveyMonkey questions not displaying in the responses panel?

  • Currently, we do not support all SurveyMonkey question types in Rally. If you see a question that is not present in the responses panel, please click 'View response in SurveyMonkey'.

ℹ️ Why are some of my SurveyMonkey surveys not displaying in the dropdown?

  • The SurveyMonkey integration connection in Rally should be set up by someone with a SurveyMonkey permissions level that allows full access to all SurveyMonkey surveys for a seamless integration. If you are not seeing the expected number of surveys or are missing a survey in the dropdown when building a Study or Panel signup page, check the permissions level of the user that connected SurveyMonkey.

ℹ️ What SurveyMonkey question types are supported in Rally?

  • Text Input

  • Multiple Choice

  • Rating

  • Ranking

  • Slider

  • Email

  • NPS

  • Choice

  • Dropdown

  • Single and Multiple Textboxes

  • Toggle

  • Date / Time

Note: Responses to these question types will show in both Rally and SurveyMonkey.

ℹ️ What SurveyMonkey question types are NOT supported in Rally?

  • Best Worst Scale

  • File Upload

  • Image Choice

  • Click Map

  • Payment

  • Image

  • Text and Image A/B Test

  • Matrix of Dropdown Menus

Note: The integration will still work for unsupported question types, however the responses to those questions will not show in Rally and can be viewed in SurveyMonkey.

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