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Add Brand logos and colors to Rally to provide a better Participant experience with a consistent, professional look and feel.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

You can customize your Rally studies and emails by incorporating your brand's logo and color. Your brand can appear on welcome pages, email templates, and schedulers. If you have multiple company brands, Rally allows you to add and choose between them based on the specific study or email.

No Brand?: Run anonymous research or external panel recruitment studies where you need to exclude company branding by simply selecting No Brand. You can prepare ahead by setting up various templates and study templates with No Brand.

Add Branding

🚨 Creating and managing Brands requires the "Create and modify brands" permission. This includes the Rally default roles Admin or Ops Manager.

  1. From the navigation sidebar, select Templates.

  2. Select Brands from the tabs at the top to switch between template types.

  3. Select + New in the top right to create a new brand.

  4. Enter the Brand Name for internal use.

  5. Select Upload Logo and carefully choose the correct logo. The maximum logo size is 300 x 150 pixels.

  6. Select your Brand's Primary Color; we suggest entering the hex code. This is used for buttons, links, and accents in landing pages and emails.

  7. Enter the Company Name to be shown to Participants.

  8. Include your physical company address to ensure compliance with CAN-SPAM email laws. This location will be displayed in email footers using this brand.

    • Address

    • Address line 2 (optional)

    • City

    • State

    • Postal code (optional)

    • Country

By following these steps, you can enhance your Studies and emails in Rally with your brand's visual identity, creating a consistent and professional look and feel to provide a better Participant experience.

Manage Brands

Manage existing brands easily from Templates; select the Brands tab.

Set Default Brand

Select the 3 dots on the right of any brand and select Set as default to make this your workspace's default brand. Select Set as default in the confirmation popup to apply.

Edit Brands

Select the name of a brand to open it and begin editing. Upload a new logo, change the brand color or office location, or select the Permissions tab to change which teams have access to it. Save changes to apply.

Duplicate Brands

Select the 3 dots on the right of any brand and select Duplicate to make a copy. Select the name to open and begin editing. Select Save changes to apply.

Delete Brands

Select the three dots on the right of any brand and select Delete and then select Delete in the confirmation pop-up to remove it from your workspace.

Preview How Branding Appears Across Rally's Platform

Welcome Pages

Email Templates


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