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Enable email or Slack notifications to stay informed of Participant activity in your Studies and Panels.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 5 months ago

This article provides instructions for customers using Rally V1. Your Rally admin will let you know when it's time to switch to Rally for Teams. For customers using Rally for Teams, jump to the Rally for Teams section below.

Rally's in-app notification center keeps you informed about Participant activity in your Studies and Panels while using Rally. Increase your ability to stay informed at all times by setting up Rally Notifications via email or Slack. Notifications include links to bring you directly to the corresponding Study, Screener, Consent Form, Panelist Signup, or Interview.

πŸ’‘ To configure your notification preferences, ensure your email and Slack accounts are connected to Rally in Settings > Connected Accounts.

Set Up Notifications

Rally provides various notification types to help you stay in the loop. You have the flexibility to select where and when to be notified.

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Notifications'.

  3. Select the checkboxes next to each notification type for email, Slack, or both.

Screener Completed: Get notified when a Participant submits a Screener for a Study or Panel you are an owner of and view their responses.

Panelist Signup: Get notified when a Panelist signs up for a Panel you are an owner of. (Notifications won't be sent for disqualified Panelists.)

Interview Updates: Get notified when a Participant books, reschedules, or cancels an interview you're attending.

Consent Form Submission: Get notified when a Participant signs a consent form for a Study or Panel you are an owner of.

Unmoderated Test Completed: Get notified when a Participant completes an unmoderated test for a Study that you are an owner of.

Study Limit Reached: Get notified when a Study you are an owner of has reached its limit and stopped accepting more Participants.

Receive Slack notifications via the RallyBot application. These messages provide direct links to Rally, making it easy for you to manage Participant responses, invites, and consent right from your Slack workspace. Currently, enabling Slack notifications will only share messages with you in a Slack DM with the RallyBot Slack application, meaning you don't need to worry about other teammates receiving these notifications accidentally or overwhelming shared channels.

Email Notifications

Email notifications will be sent to you from; we suggest adding this email address to your contacts so it doesn't go to spam. These emails also contain links back to Rally, enabling you to efficiently handle Participant responses, progress, consent, and more.

Rally Workspace Notifications

Check your notifications directly in Rally via your Rally Notification Center by selecting the bell icon at the top right of your Rally workspace.

  • Filter notifications to view all, unread, or read.

  • Click a notification to be brought to the corresponding study, screener, consent form, panelist signup, interview, or unmoderated test.

  • Delete a notification by hovering over it and selecting the x in the right corner.

  • Select Mark all as read to move all unread notifications to read.

Rally for Teams

The steps above are for customers using Rally V1. The section below includes specific instructions for customers using Rally for Teams.

Rally's in-app notification center keeps you informed about Participant activity in your Studies and Panels while using Rally. Increase your ability to stay informed at all times by setting up Rally Notifications via email or Slack. Notifications include links to bring you directly to the corresponding Study, Screener, Consent Form, Panelist Signup, or Interview.

πŸ’‘ To configure your notification preferences, ensure your email and Slack accounts are connected to Rally in Settings > Connected Accounts.

Set Up Notifications

Rally provides various notification types to help you stay in the loop. You have the flexibility to select where and when to be notified.

  1. In the top left corner of Rally, select your workspace name and select Settings.

  2. From the sidebar, select Notifications.

  3. Select the checkboxes next to each notification type for email, Slack, or both.

Screener Completed: Get notified when a participant submits a screener for a study that you are an owner of.

Panelist Signup: Get notified when a panelist signs up for a panel you are an owner of. (Notifications won't be sent for disqualified panelists.)

Interview Updates: Get notified when someone books, reschedules, or cancels an interview you're attending.

Consent Form Submission: Get notified when someone signs a consent form for a study or panel you are an owner of.

Unmoderated Test Completed: Get notified when someone completes an unmoderated test for a study that you are an owner of.

Study Limit Reached: Get notified when a study you are an owner of has reached its limit and stopped accepting more participants.

Receive Slack notifications via the RallyBot application. These messages provide direct links to Rally, making it easy for you to manage Participant responses, invites, and consent right from your Slack workspace. Currently, enabling Slack notifications will only share messages with you in a Slack DM with the RallyBot Slack application, meaning you don't need to worry about other teammates receiving these notifications accidentally or overwhelming shared channels.

Email Notifications

Email notifications will be sent to you from; we suggest adding this email address to your contacts so it doesn't go to spam. These emails also contain links back to Rally, enabling you to efficiently handle Participant responses, progress, consent, and more.

Rally Workspace Notifications

Check your notifications directly in Rally by selecting the Inbox in the top left corner.

  • Filter notifications to view all, unread, or read.

  • Click a notification to be brought to the corresponding study, screener, consent form, panelist signup, interview, or unmoderated test.

  • Delete a notification by hovering over it and selecting the x in the right corner.

  • Select Mark all as read to move all unread notifications to read.

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