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Book Manual Interviews

Manually book interviews, bypass limits or host availability, and log past interviews or interviews outside of Rally.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a month ago

💡 Set up Scheduling for a Study to allow Participants to automatically book interviews based on your configurations and host availability.

Interview Studies allow for flexible scheduling for research interviews, including manual interview booking options.

  • Manually book an interview for a Participant without them needing to schedule it themselves.

  • Book an interview while bypassing host availability, interview limits, & other scheduling restrictions created in the Study.

  • Log historical interview(s) that happened in the past, or outside of Rally, so that a Participant’s history stays up to date.

Book a Manual Interview

  1. Open an Interview Study.

  2. Select Participants from the left nav bar and verify that the Participant you’d like to book an interview with has been added to the Study. If they haven’t been added, select the Add People or Add Participants button to add them now.

  3. Select Interviews from the left nav bar.

  4. Select the + New Booking button near the top right.

  5. Enter the Date and Time of the interview, including Start Time and End Time.

  6. Select the appropriate Timezone if different than your default timezone.

  7. Select the Participant by searching name or email.

  8. Select the Interviewer.

  9. Add any Guests that will attend the interview.

  10. Select the interview Location: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Custom Location, or No Location.

  11. Select Add Booking to confirm the interview.

    • Note: Calendar invites will automatically be created and sent for all upcoming interviews. No calendar invites will be sent when logging past interviews.

Learn to make changes or updates to existing bookings in Manage Interviews.

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