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Invite Participants to a Study
Invite Participants to a Study

Send emails or share links to invite Participants to a Study after adding Participants relevant to your research.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated today

After publishing your Study, learn how to Add Participants to a Study before sending email invitations. Sending email invitations can be done in bulk or individually and is quick and easy to do using the preset emails configured during Study setup. You can also use public share links to invite or recruit Participants through other channels.

Send Email Invitations

Once Participants have been added to the Study, they will be given the status 'Not Contacted.' Follow the steps below to send email invitations that were configured during the Study setup, or send a custom email.

🚨 Sending Scheduler or Unmoderated Test emails will bypass the screener, if one is enabled in the study, allowing them to begin the activity immediately without submitting a screener response. Please proceed with caution!

  1. Select the Participants you wish to contact by checking the corresponding checkboxes or select the top checkbox to select all.

  2. Select the 'Compose Email' button at the top of the table.

  3. Choose the type of email you'd like to send from the available options, which will be determined based on how your Study was set up:

    • Screener: This email contains the screener to qualify Participants, if a screener is included in your Study.

    • Survey: This email enables Participants to take the survey.

    • Scheduler: This email enables Participants to schedule their interview.

      • Note: This bypasses the screener and allows Participants to schedule.

    • Unmoderated Test: This email enables Participants to take the test.

      • Note: This bypasses the screener and allows Participants to begin testing.

    • Incentive: This email thanks Participants and sends them an incentive via Tremendous.

    • Custom Email: This allows you to send a personalized email to Participants, such as a reminder.

  4. In the email composer, make any necessary edits to the email, ensuring it contains all relevant information and instructions. Select the email sender address to send from, optionally add emails to cc or bcc, and update the subject or body as needed. We suggest enabling the 'Include Unsubscribe Link' checkbox to Decrease Spam Rate and Improve Email Deliverability.

  5. Select 'Preview Email' to ensure it looks as intended, and even 'Send test email to myself' to view it in your inbox.

  6. Select the 'Send' button to deliver the email invitations to the selected Participants.

  7. Any emails sent to Participants will update their "Last Contact Date" Property. Study invite emails (such as the screener, survey, scheduler, unmoderated test, or incentive emails set up during Study creation) will automatically update their Participant Status to the relevant status.

Email Individual Participants

  1. Locate the Participant you wish to email.

  2. Hover over their name to select the three dots ... to open the actions menu.

  3. Select 'Compose Email' and select which email type to send from the options.

  4. Make any necessary edits to the email content, ensuring it contains all relevant information and instructions.

  5. Preview the email if desired to ensure it looks as intended.

  6. Select the 'Send' button.

  7. Any emails sent to Participants will update their "Last Contact Date" Property. Study invite emails (such as the screener, survey, scheduler, unmoderated test, or incentive emails set up during Study creation) will automatically update their Participant Status to the relevant status.

Important Info for Custom Emails

🚨 Use your discretion when sending custom emails, as custom emails will not automatically update Participant Status (in Studies) or Contact Status (in People via your workspace's governance rules). Learn more below.

We don't recommend using custom emails to invite Participants to a Study with public share links, as custom emails will not trigger governance rules (such as study invitation limits or study invitation cooldowns) associated with the emails set up during Study creation.

  • Custom emails will not automatically update a person's Participant Status (in Studies), meaning a Participant initially invited with a custom email will still show as "Not Contacted" by default, but will update their "Last Contact Date" Property.

  • Custom emails will not update a person's Contact Status (in the People database or Participant Profile via your workspace's governance rules) because Rally's default governance rules reference the premade emails set up during Study creation. Example: If you have governance rules set up to only allow 1 study invite within 30 days, a custom email won't count and they may be invited again.

You can manually update Participant Status when sending custom emails. Select 1 or more Participants, 'Compose Email' > 'Custom'. Select 'Yes' from the Update Participant Status dropdown in the email composer and then 'Select Status' to choose a new Participant Status to be applied to recipients when the email is sent.

The updated Participant Status will be applied to each Participant included in the custom email, so make sure you want to apply the change to all, or send individual custom email.

Share Links

Share links are located in the top right corner of a Study Overview. The options shown will vary depending on the study type and settings.

  1. Navigate to the Share section within your Study by selecting the 'Share' button in the top right corner.

  2. In this section, you will find two types of links:

    • Invite Link: This link can be shared to recruit anywhere online and allows Participants to sign up and qualify for the Study through a Screener.

    • Scheduling Link: This link invites Participants to directly schedule an interview for the Study, and is only included in Interview Type Studies.

      Interview Type Study Share Links

      Survey or Unmoderated Test Type Study Share Link

  3. Copy and share the appropriate link with Participants via email, messaging platforms, or any other desired communication channels.

If public links have not been turned on for a Study, you'll have the option to 'Enable Links' to edit the Study and enable this feature.

🚨 It's important to note that using public share links may allow existing Participants from your database to sign up with alternate emails, while the links included in the pre-set Study emails will contain a unique token that only allows the invitee to interact by prefilling the email address they were invited with.

Email Sending FAQ

ℹ️ Why are emails in the Study Outbox showing a "Scheduled" Email Status?

  • While Rally doesn't allow you to schedule emails to be sent later, when you send an immediate email, we schedule/enqueue it for sending. These emails are sent out accounting for your email provider rate limits and Rally’s email providers rate limits. In most cases, these emails are sent out within a few seconds.

  • When looking in your study Outbox, if an email status is "Scheduled" you should be able to scroll to the right on that table view and see "Email Send Date" as a column for when it's queued to go out. If you're sending low-volume outreach, emails shouldn't be in the "Scheduled" status for more than a few minutes, so please reach out to Rally Support if you experience a longer delay with the email status update.

  • Learn more about reviewing and understanding emails in any Study's Outbox.

💡 We recommend using your custom workspace domain email as your default sender to allow higher bulk email sending. Personal accounts, such as Google and Outlook, limit daily email sending rates to 700 per day.

ℹ️ Why is the Participant Status or Contact Status not updating after I invite Participants to a Study?

  • Your workspace must have governance rules set up for Study invitation emails or a Participant's engagement with Studies to automatically update their Contact Status once governance rule limits are met.

  • A person's Participant Status (shown in people tables within Studies) begins as "Not Contacted". Sending Study invite emails (such as the screener, survey, scheduler, unmoderated test, or incentive emails set up during Study creation) will automatically update their Participant Status, whereas inviting Participants to a Study with custom emails will not affect their Participant Status or Contact Status.

  • Sending custom emails will update a person's Last Contacted Date, but will not change their Participant Status from "Not Contacted".

ℹ️ A Participant invited to a Study signed up with a different email than the one used to invite them. How did that happen?

  • While this is a rare occurrence, someone can sign up or begin your Study with a different email than the one invited if you sent them a custom email with a public share link from the Study Overview. It's important to note that using public share links may allow Participants to sign up with alternate emails, while the links included in the pre-set Study emails will contain a unique token that only allows the invitee to interact by prefilling the email address they were invited with.

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