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Study Statuses

Determine when Studies are accessible to Participants and manage your team's Studies table.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 8 months ago

Study Statuses

  • Draft: Study has been created but has not yet been published and does not yet have Participants added. Participants can not view or access Draft Studies. Any edits or changes should be made while in Draft status to ensure your Participants have the best experience. Update your Draft Study to an Active Study by selecting 'Actions' > 'Edit Study', completing all setup steps, and selecting 'Publish'.

  • Active: Study has been published, is in progress, and may or may not have Participants added or contacted. Studies should have all setup steps filled in and reviewed to ensure accuracy before publishing to Active. Changing to “Active” opens your study for recruitment. Participants you've invited will be able to access any tests, surveys, screeners, or scheduling calendars in this Study. Email and incentive sending is enabled.

  • Closed: Study has been completed, all incentives sent, no more changes are needed, and recruitment is closed. Participants won't be able to access tests, surveys, screeners, or scheduling in this Study. Email and incentive sending is disabled, but incentives already sent can still be claimed by Participants.

  • Paused: Study has been paused to stop Participant access to this Study. Participants won't be able to access tests, surveys, screeners, or scheduling in this Study. Email and incentive sending is disabled, but incentives already sent can still be claimed by Participants.

Update Study Statuses

Update Study Statuses easily from the main Studies page or a specific Study Overview page.

From the Studies Page

  1. Navigate to the main Studies page in Rally and locate the relevant Study.

  2. Hover over the Study row and select 'Actions' and 'Change Status'.

  3. In the pop-up, select the new Study Status.

  4. Review the changes to be applied before selecting 'Update' to save the change.

From a Specific Study Overview

  1. Navigate to the main Studies page and select the name of the relevant Study to open the Studies Overview page.

  2. In the top-right corner, select the three dots ... and 'Change Status'.

  3. In the pop-up, select the new Study Status.

  4. Review the changes to be applied before selecting 'Update' to save the change.

You can also click the color status tag (Active, Paused, Closed) within a Study to update.

Filter Study Statuses

Filter your main Studies page to view or find Studies with specific Statuses by selecting the Status filter at the top of the table and making your selection. Return to viewing Studies with any Status by selecting the "Any" Status again.

Archived Studies

Archive your Closed Studies to clean up your Studies page without deleting them. Participants will no longer be able to access any Study components. Participation history and data will be preserved.

Archive Closed Studies

Only Closed Studies can be Archived. You can archive individual Closed Studies or Archive multiple simultaneously.

Archive Individual Closed Study

  1. Navigate to the Studies page and find the relevant Closed Study.

  2. Select 'Actions' and then 'Archive Study'.

  3. Confirm in the pop-up that you would like to 'Archive Study'.

Archive Multiple Closed Studies Simultaneously

  1. Navigate to the Studies page and find the relevant Closed Study.

    • Filter the table using the Status filter at the top and select the "Closed" Status to only view Closed Studies.

  2. Select the Closed Studies to be Archived by selecting the checkboxes for each one.

  3. Select the 'Archive' button at the top of the table.

  4. Confirm in the pop-up that you would like to 'Archive Studies'.

View Archived Studies

  • View Archived Studies by navigating to your Studies page, selecting the three dots ... next to the Studies title at the top, and selecting 'Open Archive'.

Unarchive Studies

Accidentally Archived Studies can be Unarchived and restored to your main Studies page as Closed Studies.

  1. Navigate to your Studies page, select the three dots ... next to the Studies page title at the top, and select 'Open Archive'.

  2. Locate the relevant Archived Study.

  3. Select 'Actions' and then 'Unarchive Study'.

Locate this restored Study again by selecting the arrow next to the Archive title at the top of the page to return to your main Studies page and then filtering for Studies with the "Closed" Status.

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