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Screener Conditional Logic

Use Conditional Logic to auto-qualify, disqualify, or redirect Participants to specific questions in Screeners and Surveys.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 5 months ago

Rally utilizes IF/THEN statements in its conditional logic to determine a Participant's outcome. Through Screener Conditional Logic, you can qualify, disqualify, or redirect a Participant to a specific question based on their response to single-select, multi-select, or drop-down Screener questions.

Use Screener Conditional Logic

Use Conditional Logic to auto-qualify, disqualify, or redirect Participants to specific questions while editing the Screener section of a Study.

Screener Qualification Type Settings

When starting a screener, choose how you want to qualify Participants. There are 2 qualification options, and conditional logic must be set up to reflect the selection:

Someone qualifies if they...

  • Complete screener without being disqualified

  • Have a qualifying answer to specific questions

Complete screener without being disqualified: Participants who complete the screener without selecting any auto-disqualifying answers will automatically qualify for the study.

  • Set up conditional logic to disqualify participants based on specific question responses, or participants who complete screeners will auto-qualify unexpectedly.

Have a qualifying answer to specific questions: Participants who complete the screener with any auto-qualifying answers will automatically qualify for the study.

  • Set up conditional logic to qualify participants based on specific question responses, or participants who complete screeners will not auto-qualify as expected.

You have the option to enable immediate scheduling or testing for qualified Participants.

Immediate scheduling/Immediate testing (optional): Toggle on to allow qualified Participants to book interviews or begin the unmoderated test after completing the screener, without waiting for you to follow up.

Add Conditional Logic to Screener Questions

Next, set up conditional logic rules on the relevant qualifying or disqualifying questions.

  1. Navigate to a Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Drop-Down question and enable the Conditional Logic toggle.

  2. Craft your "IF" statement using the available drop-down statements.

    1. For Single-Select questions, choose between "equals any of" or "doesn't equal any of".

    2. For Multi-Select questions, choose between "is exactly", "includes at least one of", "includes all of", or "doesn't include any of".

  3. Create your "THEN" statement. You can send the Participant to a later question in your survey or end the screener. Note that the available options depend on the number of additional questions in the screener. For example, if there are no additional questions, the only option will be to end the screener. If you have four additional questions, you can choose any of them to directly send the Participant to next.

  4. Choose to qualify, disqualify, or take no action based on the response.

  5. Add any additional conditions for the question if needed. You can include as many conditions as necessary, but remember that the logic follows the order of the conditions, starting with the first one and proceeding sequentially.

Feel free to customize your Screener to make the most of the conditional logic features.

Conditional Logic FAQ

ℹ️ Why are Participants not being auto-qualified from conditional logic set up on screener or survey questions?

  • To auto-qualify Participants, you must have one of the following configurations:

    • The conditional logic set up on screener questions must include the action "Qualify participant" at the end of relevant questions. If you've selected "Disqualify participant" or "No additional action" instead, the question responses will not auto-qualify.

    • In the qualification settings at the top of the Screener section of Study setup, select Someone qualifies if they... "Complete screener without being disqualified" from the dropdown menu. If you've instead selected "Have a qualifying answer to specific questions, you must have conditional logic set up to qualify participants based on answers to relevant questions to auto-qualify.

  • To auto-disqualify Participants, the conditional logic set up on screener questions must include the action "Disqualify participant" at the end of relevant questions. If you've selected "Qualify participant" or "No additional action" instead, the question responses will not auto-disqualify. (You have the option to "End screener" or "Continue to next question" without effecting disqualification).

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