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Custom Incentives
Custom Incentives

Log and track custom incentives, such as in-app credits, discount codes, and more.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 2 months ago

Custom incentives can be used to track alternative rewards, such as discount codes, special gift cards, in-app credits, internal codes for employees, payments distributed outside of Rally, and more. Create and log custom incentives to keep your Rally database & profiles up to date.

Owners of a Study can send and log custom incentives for that Study's participants.

Studies in Rally for Teams only allow one incentive type; Tremendous Incentives

or Custom Incentives. This option can be selected or changed during study setup or after launching a study, but cannot be changed once incentives have been logged.

🏠 Custom incentives are only available for in-house recruitment studies.

πŸ—£οΈ For external panel recruitment studies, set up and add funds to research Budgets.

πŸ’° To easily send Tremendous incentives from Rally, learn more about Incentives.

Create Custom Incentive Templates

Create custom incentive templates ahead of time to select during study creation.

🚨 Creating and managing Custom Incentives requires the "Create and modify custom incentives" permission. This includes the Rally default roles Admin, Ops Manager, or Researcher.

  1. From the navigation sidebar, select Templates.

  2. Select Custom Incentives from the tabs at the top to switch between template types.

  3. Select + New in the top right to create a new custom incentive.

  4. Enter a Name that is descriptive, concise, and easily recognizable for teammates.

  5. Type: Select the type of custom incentive you want to create. The type determines the format of the input, like entering a dollar amount for monetary incentives.

    • Text: Requires a default value to be added during study creation.

    • Monetary: Requires a default value to be added during study creation.

    • Number: Requires a default value to be added during study creation.

    • Single Select: Pre-fill options during custom incentive creation to easily select during study creation and when logging incentives.

      • Select + Add option(s) and enter the values or codes to be used.

  6. Description: Provide extra details to clarify the purpose of this custom incentive. This description will appear during study creation once an incentive type is selected.

  7. Select Save changes to apply.

Offer Custom Incentives in a Study

  1. During the Plan step of study setup, toggle on incentives to offer a reward.

  2. Type of incentive: Select Custom incentive.

  3. Select which custom incentive to use from the dropdown. These must be created in advance to use in a study.

  4. Custom incentive default value:

    • Depending on the type of custom incentive selected, either select a prefilled default value from the dropdown, or provide a default value to be used when logging an incentive.

  5. Continue with study setup etc.

Log Custom Incentives Sent to Participants

πŸ’‘ Custom incentives allow you to log non-3rd party rewards only. To send an incentive, you must manage communication by sending a custom email to the participant.

Keep track of custom incentives sent to participants, regardless of delivery method, by logging custom incentives in Rally. Custom incentives must be enabled on the Study.

  1. From the Study Overview, under the Participants section in the sidepanel, select Pending Incentive to view Participants who have completed the required activity.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select one or more Participants.

  3. Select the Send incentive button at the top of the table.

    • Or, send one participant an incentive by hovering over their name to select the 3 dots ... action menu and select Send incentive.

  4. Configure Incentive:

    • Type of Incentive: Defaults to the custom incentive type set in study setup, but can be changed before sending as needed.

    • Value of custom incentive: Verify the incentive amount prefilled from the study setup is correct. If a special different amount or value was discussed, you can change it here.

  5. Select Log custom incentives to complete.

  6. Select the Incentives page from the sidepanel to view logged custom incentives.

Distribute Custom Incentives

Custom incentives in Rally allow you to log non-3rd party rewards only. To send an incentive, you must manage communication by sending a custom email to the participant. The method may vary depending on the type of custom incentive provided.

Unique single-use gift card or discount codes sent to participants can be uploaded as a .csv file, creating a new Property in Rally where each value represents 1 unique code. Prepare the spreadsheet by mapping each code to a participant email or unique id. After importing, send an email to distribute the incentives by using Rally's property personalization tokens to autofill the correct value for each participant.

  • Example: Upload a .csv of 20 emails with 20 unique codes, into a UniqueCode Property (text type property), and then send out an email to all 20 people with the Unique Code property personalization token.

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