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Administrators & members
Updated over 2 months ago


What is an Administrator?

Administrators are the primary managers of the RandomCoffee program within their organization.

They are responsible for creating and maintaining programs, managing members and monitoring engagement. This means that they have the ability to set up and customize the RandomCoffee program to best fit the needs of their organization.

Administrators can be easily recognized thanks to the little yellow badge next to their name in the Member list.

All other users within the RandomCoffee platform are considered Members. Members are able to participate in the program and connect with other members through RandomCoffees.

How to become an Administrator?

If you are interested in becoming an Administrator for your organization's RandomCoffee program, please reach out to us ( and/or your organization's designated program manager. We will be able to provide you with the necessary permissions and training to become an Administrator.

How to grant Administrator access?

  • Look for the member(s) name(s) in the list.

  • Tick the box besides the member(s) name(s) to select them.

  • Click on the menu and select "Grant admin access"

How to revoke Administrator access?

  • Look for the member(s) name(s) in the list.

  • Tick the box besides the member(s) name(s) to select them.

  • Click on the menu and select "Revoke admin access"

Admin Portal & Member Portal

Member Portal



Administrators have access to the RandomCoffee workspace of their company or organization, also known as the Admin Portal (to manage programs, members, etc.).

They also have access to their personal Member Portal.

They can switch between both portals via the button above their initials:

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