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How do I get a verified blue check on Rapchat?
How do I get a verified blue check on Rapchat?
Updated over 4 months ago

What is verification?

The verified badge helps you to identify top artists/public figures/brands more easily on Rapchat and can be seen as the blue tick located next to a user’s name on their profile. The Verified Badge means that Rapchat has confirmed that this account is the authentic Rapchat account of the person of interest, public figure, artist, producer or celebrity it represents.

What do I need to get verified?

To request a verified badge, you must be a person of interest, public figure, producer, or artist and meet our prerequisites (see below). The Rapchat verified badge represents our acknowledgment of the most inspiring and positively influential creators on our platform.

Criteria for verifying an artist:

  1. Your profile page is properly filled out (picture, description, socials, etc.)

  2. You have a track record of songs that get featured on Rapchat

  3. You support other artists and are active in the Rapchat community

Criteria for verifying a producer:

  1. Your profile page is properly filled out (picture, description, socials, etc.)

  2. You regularly share high-quality beats to Rapchat

  3. We look at the number of recordings over your beats

  4. You have a strong track record working with artists and/or selling your own beats

Criteria for verifying a known personality, influencer, or business:

  1. Your profile page is properly filled out (picture, description, socials, etc.)

  2. You have at least 100k followers on another major social/streaming platform

  3. Your identity matches who you represent

How do I get my verification badge?

You can submit your request for verification here

We review verification requests monthly and you only need to apply once. Sometimes people are not verified until months after applying once they have been featured enough times. Due to the volume of requests are are not able to reply with the reasons your account has not been verified yet.

Please note that even if your account is eligible for verification, your request doesn’t ensure that your account will be verified. Please note that if you provide false or misleading information during your verification process, we will remove your badge and potentially take action to terminate your account.

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