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Understand notification settings and types

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

RareCircles uses email notifications to encourage members to engage with your membership and inform them of new activations.

Read this article to get a better understanding of the types of notifications members can expect to receive.

Notification types

Member invitations (optional)

Members receive an invitation when you invite contacts through RareCircles. This notification is optional and can be disabled when inviting members.

Member welcome messages

Welcome messages are sent when a new member signs up to your membership program. These are generated automatically and cannot be disabled.

Membership revoked notification
This email is generated automatically when you revoke a member's access to your membership plan.

New activation notifications (optional)

Activation notifications are sent every time a new activation is published (except for surveys). You can choose to disable notifications in the engagement settings of the activation.

New post notifications (optional)
New post notifications are generated every time you publish a new post. You can choose to disable notifications in the engagement settings of the post.

New discussion post notification
New discussion post notifications are generated every time you or a member of your community starts a new discussion. Discussion notifications cannot be disabled.

Post-claim notification

Members receive an automatic email confirmation every time they claim an activation such as a product offer or event based activation. Users do not receive a post-claim email after participating in surveys.

Note that members do not receive notifications for new surveys.

Email notification visual style

All email notifications includes a header section with your avatar image and brand name in the top left hand corner of the email.


The body will include a preview of your activation including a featured image (when available) and excerpt text.

Call to action (CTA)
The call to action will vary depending on the email type.

Notification type


Member invitation

Claim your membership pass

Member welcome message

View now

Membership revoked


New activation notification

View now

New post notification

Read post

New discussion post notification

Read post

Post-claim notification*

View now

*Post-claim event notifications include a secondary CTA prompting members to easily add the event to their preferred digital calendar.

Verification code emails

RareCircles users passwordless login to make it easy for members to register without the need to create a password. Instead, users receive an email with a verification code each time they are prompted to log-in.

Alternative notification methods

We understand that your brand is everything. That's why we make it easy to turn off most notifications to allow you to instead send your own email notifications from your email marketing tool.

If you prefer to minimize the number of transactional emails being sent by RareCircles, you can choose to turn off notifications on new activations, member invitations and new posts.

Learn how to leverage our Klaviyo and Zapier integrations to optimize member communications through your third party software provider.

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