What are rankings?
Our agent and agency rankings evaluate and organize real estate agents and agencies based on specific performance measures. These rankings are found on our location pages and help potential sellers and buyers understand how agents compare in a particular area.
Rankings Overview
It's important to note that the location pages are filtered by 1 statistic at a time, seen in "sort by".
There are 4 statistics you can sort by:
Most reviews
Sold properties
Average sales price
Median days on market
All rankings are calculated on a rolling 365-day count and are only counted for Properties in the specified location on the page.
Image: An example of a Location where agents can be sorted and ranked based on criteria.
Image: Example of an agent's highlight card on a location page
Ranking Breakdown
Sold properties
This is the number of sold properties in a specified location. This calculation only includes transactions where the agent was the lead agent.
Average sale price
This is the average sale price for listings sold in the specified location. This calculation only includes sales as the Lead Agent. To calculate an “Average Sales Price,” you must have a minimum of one transaction as a lead agent.
Median days on market
Median Days on Market refers to the middle value of the number of days properties remain for sale before being sold. This includes sales as the lead agent only.
Most Reviews
This ranking is the number of properties you have sold in a specific location with at least one review attached.
Reviews can be from a buyer or a seller.
Reviews must be Verified.
Reviews collected as either the Lead or Supporting Agent will count.
Calculated on a rolling 365-day count, only for listings in the specified location on the page.
Only one review per transaction is counted.
For example, having multiple reviews on one listing, such as one buyer and seller review, will only count as one point toward your ranking.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I am an award winner, why am I not showing at the top of the page?
A: The agent & agency specific rankings pages enable consumers to compare agents or agencies based on specific statistics they can select and sort by, depending on what they find important to them. Our Overview page highlights our award winners!
Q: I have the highest number of reviews, so why am I not number one?
A: This ranking is the number of properties you have sold in a specific location, and at least one review is attached. This ranking is not the total count of your reviews overall.
Q: I got a new review. Why didn’t my ranking increase?
A: These examples will often answer that question for you:
12 months and one day after the review is left, the ranking will go down by 1
The 12 months starts when the review is left, not when the property is sold
If a property has two or more reviews attached to it, it will only count as one ranking point
Both Vendor and Buyer reviews are considered equal
Q: Why is only one review per transaction counted?
A: We do this to ensure that agents are not artificially inflating their figures by getting more than a reasonable amount of reviews for a single property.
Q: If one review per property is counted, how can an agent have more reviews than sold properties?
A: The agent may have requested and received a review for a property sold over 12 months ago. For example, suppose an agent sold five properties in April of last year and received the reviews for those transactions in June of the same year. In that case, those five properties are no longer counted (see Sold Properties calculation) as they are older than 365 days. However, the reviews are still within the rolling 365-day timeframe and are counted.
Please be assured that only one review per property is counted in the reviews.
Q: What happens if two agents have the same score?
A: If two agents have the same result (e.g., the same average sale price), whoever has the highest total number of reviews for that location received within the last 12 months will be ranked higher.
For example, if two agents had a ranking score of 6 for most reviews in the same location, their total number of reviews in the last 12 months for that location will determine who is ranked higher.