How do I reset my Password?

We all forget our password from time to time! Learn how to reset it here

Updated over a week ago

Changing your password is easily done via your profile dashboard. This guide will take you through the process of changing your password while logged in and how to reset a forgotten password.

If you have forgotten your password

You can reset your password by clicking on login and entering the email address associated with your account.

You will then be able to log in using the email login link or you can select Type your password.

If you select to send the email login link, you will receive an email allowing you to automatically sign in.
If you select type your password, there will be a forgot your password link which will send you a password reset email.

If you are logged in and need to change your password

Login to your RateMyAgent profile and click on Settings, in the drop-down you will be able to select Login details.

Enter your current password and confirm your new password then click Reset Password.

If you are still having issues, chat to our support team!

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