Under the hood just got a lot more powerful, with Reach Metrics! Build lightning-fast metrics with our pre-baked Simple Metrics that our team has already designed for you. All you need to do is Select --> Add. Alternatively, we've given all users the ability to dive deep and build custom metrics with a fully customized configuration setup.
Note: We caution all users on the fully customized setup, as this feature explores deep metrics, and can get fairly confusing quickly.
Explore your hidden data relating to Contacts, Listings, Transactions and Touchpoints all from a simple to use page, called "Metrics"
CONTACTS METRICUnderstand the following with Contact Metrics |
LISTINGS METRICImportant Data about your Listings |
TRANSACTIONS METRICDeal Flow Analysis... numbers that make buying that Mocha Latte more possible. |
TOUCHPOINTSReally use your system like a CRM should be used, by keeping track of Metrics on your Contact Touchpoints. How often are you connecting? |
A way to track your touchpoints quickly and efficiently. |
Of course, we've added a level of filtering that can give teams a look into individual member numbers, or team-wide Metrics. By selecting which "Owner" you want to see in the metric, you can build multiple Metrics for groups and individuals alike. just remember, any team member will need to see their permission to give you (and others) access to see their data.
GROUPS (Grouping Metrics)
Cluster all your important metrics into special Groups to easily refer to them later. Build out Groups for Metric Types OR Team Member Names... whatever you need!
For more information, check out the docs!