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October 2021 Update

Important Dates, Google Calendar Sync, Recurring Events, and more!

Brandon Crichton avatar
Written by Brandon Crichton
Updated over a week ago

Contacts' Birthdays

We are pleased to deliver this highly requested feature! Contacts' Birthdays are now treated as Important Dates. Simply open Reach, go to your Calendar, and view your Important Dates calendar to make sure you miss a birthday again!

Reminder that "Important Dates" are also shown at the bottom of the Contact details in the Activity Area.

Improved Google Calendar Syncing

We are constantly looking to improve our syncing with Google Calendar. We are happy to announce a few improvements:

2-Way Event Deletion

Events that are deleted from Google Calendar will now be archived in Reach (see Archive Data below)

Google Offline Sync (BETA)

Reach can now read and update your Google Calendar events in the background to keep all of your data up to date without requiring users to refresh Reach. This feature is an "opt-in" feature and currently in BETA mode.

Delegating an Event

You can now delegate an event to one of your team members seamlessly. When you create or edit an event, simply look for the "Add Delegate" option.

Archive Data

We have now introduced the concept of "archiving" data. This is a step that precedes permanent deletion of data. Only owners of data can permanently delete their own data but now team members can archive each other's data to effectively "remove" data for their teammates.

Delegated View

For Tasks, Events, and Contacts / Leads, we have introduced a new view: Delegated. When setting your preferences for what items from your team you would like to view, the Delegated view provides a quick snapshot of the items you have delegated out.

Here are the following views:

a) My Events / Tasks / Contacts (items you are responsible for)

b) Delegated Events / Tasks / Contacts (items you own that you have delegated to team members)

c) All Events / Tasks / Contacts (everything you have permissions to see)

Recurring Events (BETA)

Booking those weekly meetings just got easier! You can book a recurring meeting within Reach as well as view your Google Calendar recurring meetings, all with full syncing functionality!

This feature is currently in Beta and can be enabled by going to Settings > Calendar


We are constantly striving to improve the awesomeness of Reach CRM for you agents. We always value input and feedback as we work to build the most powerful (yet simple) Real Estate tool.

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