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All CollectionsFeature Releases
May 2023 | Contact Relationships
May 2023 | Contact Relationships

An easy way to keep track of how your Contacts are connected to other Contacts in your database.

Brandon Crichton avatar
Written by Brandon Crichton
Updated over a week ago

We've just updated the way your Contacts link to other Contacts (spouse, partner, kids, etc.). You can now define the "Relationship" between Doug and Kasey (husband and wife).


  1. In the sidebar, click on Contacts

  2. Select the Client you want to add an alternate contact for

  3. Select the Edit button in the top right

  4. Scroll to Add Relationship and click. Select the Client in the dialog that appears

    • If you do not have the Client already saved, you can create one from this dialog you can select New Client

  5. Specify the Label for this Client (e.g. Spouse)

  6. Optionally specify a Reverse Label which describes the relationship in the other direction. For example the label of "Spouse" could apply for both Clients but the labels of "Husband" and "Wife" are direction-specific.

  7. Click Save

  8. Repeat for as many relationships you want to add for this Client

Now anytime you view this contact, Relationships will appear, and be clickable:

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