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October 2023 | Release Notes
October 2023 | Release Notes
Michael Heavenor avatar
Written by Michael Heavenor
Updated over a week ago

We've made some small changes in the system that we think you are going to like! Take a look below.

Contact Referrals

Do you know how much of your business is referral based? You can now track which of your Clients have referred other Clients! This is the part of a series of updates that will provide more visibility into which sources are providing the most business.

To mark a Client as a referred by another Client, follow the steps below:

  1. Edit the Client that was referred

  2. Set the Source to "Referral"

  3. Click the newly visible "Add Referred By" button

  4. Select the Contact that referred

  5. Click Save!

Now when viewing the details of the referred, or the referrer, you will see the relationship between the two Clients.

New "Outstanding" Task View

Reach provides some pre-defined Task Views to help you get up and going quickly. One that we have recently added is the "Outstanding" Task View. This Task View runs off the same query that powers the "Outstanding Tasks" widget on the Home page.

If you are on a team, make sure that when viewing your Tasks, that "My Tasks" is selected in the banner if you want to see the same results as the Home Page widget (which always shows "My Tasks").

Mailing Label Salutation for Clients

We have long had Mailing Label properties for groups so that the title of the group in Reach can be different than what is outputted on a Mailing Label.

We have now introduced the same override capability to individual Clients. Simply edit the Client and configure the Mailing Label Salutation. The next time that you use the Mailing Label feature, you will see the salutation used instead of the Client's name.

Know someone that could super-charge their business from using Reach? Use our referral system so that you and your friend both get permanent discounts. Ask us how at

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