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Lisa Pascua Candidate Questionnaire
Lisa Pascua Candidate Questionnaire
Written by Real Impact
Updated over a month ago

Full Name

Lisa Pascua

​What office are you running for?

School Board

What district are you running for?

Chino Valley Unified School District



ELECTIONS: What is your position on requiring voters to show government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot?

Elections are a great way for citizens to make their voices heard. I would like to make my voice heard. I think elections are an excellent way for citizens to make their voices heard. I want to make my voice heard.

I also think that Elections are a great way for citizens to make their voices heard. I would like to make my voice heard. I think elections are an excellent way for citizens to make their voices heard. I want to make my voice heard.

GUN RIGHTS: What is your brief interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, and what, if any, regulations on firearms do you support?

Gun rights are my fundamental right as a US citizen. Gun rights are for every American no matter what state they live in. It's my right as a US citizen to have a gun.

When guns are taken from citizens, there is an uneven display of power by the government.

U.S. BORDER: Do you believe the southern U.S. border needs more robust measures to enhance border security?

The US border needs to be secure. I want the US border to be safe. President Trump is securing the border, and this is what our country needs to stop drugs and sex trafficking. California and Texas and affected by an open order.

Every state is eventually affected by an open border.

CRIME: Do you support repealing Proposition 47 (2014), which reduced penalties for crimes under $950?

Crime is rampant in the United States of America. Our legislators have made crime not prosecutable in California and in other states as well. Something needs to be done. Citizens need to take a stand against bills that promote lawlessness in our states.

EDUCATION: What is your position on allowing families to use tax revenues to fund an alternative to public school?

Education is one of the core systems in our culture that is under attack today. Students of all ages are not to be instructed at a level that is acceptable and up to the standards of years past.

We need better education in the United States and it starts with our local government and individual states taking control.

LIBRARY BOOKS: Do you support removing books that contain pervasive vulgarity or explicit sexual content from school libraries?

Library books should not contain vulgar and pornographic content in our schools. Parents have had enough of the school system pushing in appropriate books and want it to stop.

There should be an oversight committee, including parents, who can monitor what books are being introduced in our children's libraries and classrooms.

ABORTION: Explain your stance on abortion.

Abortion is absolutely the killing of an innocent life and should not be promoted in our culture and society, and especially not in our schools.

The abortion industry is a multi-million dollar business, and we, as concerned citizens and humans, need to take a stand against the nefarious ritual.

MARRIAGE: Do you support amending the California Constitution to remove the current definition of marriage as only 'between a man and a woman' and replace the definition with 'the right to marry is a fundamental right'?

Marriage is God-ordained and between one man and one woman. The Bible teaches that it should only be between one man and one woman.

GENDER IDENTITY: What are your views on policies requiring schools to inform parents if a student expresses a change in their sexual orientation or gender identity while at school?

Gender identity is a subject many parents do not want addressed or promoted in public schools. Schools should be teaching math and English, not how to define gender and change your gender.

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