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Written by Real Impact
Updated over 6 months ago

An Insider team monitors the cultural landscape through the lens of scripture. Social issues, legislation, and public policy are all part of this landscape. The ministry’s findings are provided to the church with the goal of educating, equipping, and encouraging Christians to have a godly influence on our society and culture.


The team serves to educate, equip, and encourage the church to stand for righteousness in the public square. They provide opportunities by:

  • Holding monthly meetings designed to provide a deeper understanding of current issues.

  • Hosting special events to address specific topics and issues.

  • Sharing views and concerns with elected representatives.

  • Providing action alerts to call for action on targeted issues or legislation.

  • Participating in the political/electoral process by conducting voter registration and petition drives.

  • Producing and distributing voter guides. 

Focus: Public policy affects virtually every aspect of our society and culture. This includes essential freedoms such as the right to life, religious liberty, and the God-ordained institutions of marriage and the family. Laws that are hostile to these freedoms have been enacted in our nation. Defending these rights is worthy of our time and effort. Christians must pray and act in order to stand against the onslaught of legislation and policy that is an affront to our Christian values.

Religious Liberty: Religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian worldview are the indispensable moral foundation which our American society and culture is built upon. However, many groups and individuals have initiated hostilities against Christianity in our courts and legislatures which are designed to diminish or destroy our religious liberties, including evangelism, missions and the proclamation of truth in the public square.

Human Life: Human beings, having been created in the image of God, should be protected in all stages of life from conception to natural death.  Abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, mercy killing, etc., are morally wrong because these acts violate the character of God and the sanctity of creatures made in His own image.

Natural Marriage: Natural Marriage is the first institution designed by God to bind and hold together the fundamental fabric of civilized society. Marriage and the family flowing from it were created and intended for human happiness, tranquility, and the raising and nurturing of children. Because government has the duty to defend natural rights, to ensure domestic tranquility, and to promote the common good of civilized society, it should not promote, elevate or validate any behavior or conduct which undermines the institution of marriage or the family.

Parental Rights: Securing parental rights is a fundamental purpose of the state. Parents have the sole right to direct the training and care of their children. Without these natural rights, the state could interfere with raising godly children which would undermine the family and create chaos in society. 

Civil Government: Civil government is ordained by God to restrain evil, promote the common good, maintain moral order, and to secure our natural and unalienable rights. Because all civil governments are morally obligated to be just and good, they are accountable to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

. . ."Go, set a watchman; let him declare what he sees" (Isaiah 21:6).

“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will” (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

For more information or questions about the Real Impact Insider program,

  • CALL: (909) 393-7100 - Ask for the Real Impact office.


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