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I have rooftop solar. Can I use Real Simple Energy?
I have rooftop solar. Can I use Real Simple Energy?

Do you offer plans that offer excess distribution credits?

Uki Nunez avatar
Written by Uki Nunez
Updated over a week ago

Yes, but please read the following:

Unfortunately, we do not search plans that offer to buyback excess distribution credits from your rooftop solar generation.  In our experience, these plans are usually not the cheapest in the marketplace and the best course of action is to simply use your net energy consumption as estimated or historical usage.  

A bit more detail: Many of the excess distribution credit buyback plans we have seen offer higher energy purchase rates than competing plans.  Furthermore, the rates at which they buy back the excess distribution are consistently too low.  This results in a lose-lose situation, technically known as a double whammy.  Therefore, we recommend using your net energy consumption as inputs in our search engine to have the cheapest energy bill possible.  

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments on this topic because the market is always changing!

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