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Add contacts

Adding a contact is quick and simple to do

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a week ago

Your first contact is added automatically when you create your account, you! This means you have a contact for testing any of the features within Real Happy.

Additional contacts are either added automatically when a user tries to book a showing or register through one of your lead capture forms.

You can manually add contacts by tapping the "+" icon and "Add contact" on the contacts view.

The only mandatory field for a contact is a mobile number, you can import a contact from your phones directory or manually add a mobile number. You will need to grant Real Happy access to your contacts. Real Happy will not access the contacts for any purpose other than importing the selected contact.

You can also add;

  • Name

  • Email

  • Type (Lead, Client, Agent or Tenant)

  • Notes on the contact (only visible to you or other members of your team inside Real Happy)

Tap save and the contact will be saved to your contacts list.

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