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Link product's rate to Reviews main widget
Escrito por Anderson Santos
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This text guides on how to link product's rate widget to Reviews main widget in order to maximize the odds for the user to see product's opinions and boost store's sales.

Link product's rate to Reviews main widget

We advise linking Reviews main and rate widgets within the product's page. By this we can make the user go to the Reviews main widget section when she clicks on the product's rating stars.

Here is an example snippet that could be used to accomplish such behavior:

  Click and see!

  .trustvox-widget-rating .ts-shelf-container,
  .trustvox-widget-rating .trustvox-shelf-container {
    display: inline-block;
  }  .trustvox-widget-rating span.rating-click-here {
    top: -3px;
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
    color: #DAA81D;
  }  .trustvox-widget-rating:hover span.rating-click-here {
    text-decoration: underline;

If you need any help on installing Reviews main or rate widgets, please head to one of the related articles.

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