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Anniversary Awards

All about Birthday and Work Anniversary Awards

Melissa Falkner avatar
Written by Melissa Falkner
Updated over a week ago

Redii has a “set and forget” function that allows you to recognise employees
on their birthdays or work anniversaries.

Birthday Awards

A Birthday award is set up to recognise your employee on their birthday every year. This can be a no points award or you can attach a Birthday bonus onto the recognition. 

It will appear on the wall for everyone to see, like and comment. It will also send an email reminder to their Direct Manager. Don't worry though; it won't show their age!

You can set up the Happy Birthday award in the Admin Hub. 

You can then edit the award by changing the name, description, point amount and icon. Then make sure it is activated on the awards list. 

All you need to do is make sure all your users have their birthday field filled in with their correct date and your ready to go! 

Please note: Employees are able to set their birthday award to 'private' themselves if they would not like it to appear on the Recognition Wall. This can be done by logging into their account, clicking on their profile image and selecting 'edit recognition profile'. 

Work Anniversary Awards

The Work Anniversary Award works similar to the Birthday award. You set up the award and it will automatically send on the anniversary of your employee's start date. The difference is that you can set up Milestones so you can send special point amounts for 5, 10, 20 years.

It will appear on the wall for everyone to see, like and comment. It will also send an email reminder to their Direct Manager.

You can then edit the award by changing the name, description, point amount, add milestones and icon. Then make sure it is activated on the awards list. 

The point amount on the first page is the points sent on every year that is not a milestone year. You can set this to whatever you want!

All you need to do is make sure all your users have their start date field filled in with their correct date and your ready to go!

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