Redlist gives users the capability to group tasks within a PM program into Work Order templates, which serve as a foundation for generating day-to-day work orders assigned to users for completion. By using Work Order templates, users can establish the frequency at which work orders are generated, streamlining maintenance scheduling and task assignment processes. To create a PM program Work Order template:
Step 1: Click on "Maintenance" then select "PM Programs"
Step 2: Search for and choose the desired PM program
Step 3: Click on "Edit"
Step 4: Click on "Add Work Order Template"
Step 5: Fill out the required fields in the "Required" section
Step 6: Optional - Fill out the desired fields in the "Optional" section
Step 7: Click on the "Frequency" tab
Step 8: Determine whether the template should automatically generate work orders
If the toggle is blue, work orders will be automatically generated. If the toggle is grey, work orders will need to be manually generated
Note - If the toggle is turned off, the remaining fields in the modal will be greyed out, and steps 9 and 10 can be ignored.