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How Do I Create Follow Up Task From a Form
How Do I Create Follow Up Task From a Form
Trevor Shaffer avatar
Written by Trevor Shaffer
Updated over 11 months ago

Redlist offers task logic that enables users to create follow-up tasks based on the answer to a form question. The task logic can be set up conditionally or statically. This article provides an overview of how to set up task logic in Redlist, including creating tasks conditionally or statically and configuring task creation settings. To create a follow up task from a question on a form, first go to the form builder and find the question to configure Task logic on.

Setting Up Conditional Task Logic:

To set up a task to be created conditionally, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select "When" in the "Setup when a task should be created" dropdown

Step 2: Select the question that the task is dependent on in the "Question" dropdown

Step 3: Set when a task should be created

To create a task when a specific answer is selected, choose "Any of the following answers (specified below)" in the "Answered with" dropdown, and then select the options that will create a task in the "Please select the answer(s) that when selected will make this item create a task" section

To create a task when no answer is selected, set the "Answered with" dropdown to "No answer (question is left unanswered/blank)"

Setting Up Static Task Logic:

To set up a task to always be created, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select "Always" in the "Setup when a task should be created" dropdown

Configuring Required Task Creation Settings:

Setting 1: "Question that will set asset for task"

Select the question that will determine which asset the created task will be associated with

Note - all tasks must be associated with an asset. Also, if the "Associate" logic has already been configured for this question, this dropdown will automatically adopt the question selected there.

Setting 2: "Select Board"

Choose which work board the newly created task should be assigned to

Setting 3: "Days Until Due"

Set the number of days until the created task must be completed

Optional Settings:

Optional Setting 1: "Region to assign task to"

If your company has multiple regions set up in their Redlist account, select which region the task should be assigned to in the "Region to assign to task" dropdown. If the task should be assigned to the same region as the asset, select the "From Question" option.

Optional Setting 2: "Create New Task"

Determine when to create a new task using the "Create New Task" check box. If left unchecked, the first time the conditions for task creation are met, a task will be created, but subsequent tasks will be combined with the first task. Checking the "Create New Task" check box will create a new unique task every time the task logic conditions are met.

Optional Setting 3: "Require Task Description"

To force users to add a description or explanation of why a task is needed in order to submit their form, check the "Require Task Description" check box.

Optional Setting 4: "Task Placeholder"

Enter an example or description into the task description box. This text is greyed out and removed as soon as a user begins typing in the Task Description box.

Optional Setting 5: "Directly Responsible Individual"

Auto assign a task to a user by entering their name. To allow users to assign the task to another user, check the "Show in DRI Form" box. This will give users submitting the form a list of people to choose from to assign the task to.

Optional Setting 6: "Lead"

Select a user to take lead on completing the task. To allow users to select the lead, check the "Show In Lead Form" checkbox. This will give users submitting the form a list of people to choose from as the lead for this task.

Optional Setting 7: "Field Rank"

Select the priority of the created task.

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