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Help Articles

How to Articles for each of Redlists Tools


Configure and Edit Administrator Level Setting

Giving Users Access to FormsIt is essential to give users permissions to view and submit new forms. Access can be configured in Form Settings or User Permissions
How to Configure the Navigation Bar on Redlist Mobile App
How Do I sync data in Redlist's mobile app
How Do I Download the Redlist Mobile AppThis article provides instructions for downloading and accessing the Redlist mobile app on both iOS and Android devices.
How Do I Add a Dashboard to My Asset's Profile Page
How Do I Know What Different User Types Can Do?
How Do I Assign and Manage User License Types
How Do I link Users and Employees
How Do I Access My Redlist Account
How Do I Change My Homepage
How Do I Setup My Company's Information
How Do I Import Data Into My Account
How Do I Get Import Templates
How Do I Map Headers in the Import Tool
How Do I Correct Import Errors
How Do I Create New Users
How Do I Reset My Password
How Do I Create New User Roles
How Do I Change User Permissions
How Do I Know What Each User Permission Does
How Do I Create New Employees
How Do I Create New Employee Roles
How Do I Create New Teams
How Do I Create New Work Boards
How Do I Use Custom Fields
How Do I Log In to the Redlist Mobile App
What are the System Requirements to Use RedlistThese are the system requirements for both web and mobile devices to allow access to the Redlist App.
How to Access Redlist App on the WebThis is a step-by-step guide on how to access the Redlist web app.
How to Access Redlist Help CenterThis is a step-by-step guide on how to get into the Help Center on web and mobile app
How to Set a Default Home PageThis is a guide on how to set your Redlist web app home page to one of the tools you prefer.
How to Verify Email AddressThese are the steps in verifying the user's email address registered to a Redlist account.
What Browsers Does Redlist Support?Details on browser requirements for Redlist Support
How Do I Calculate the ROI on Reducing Downtime?Input your Company, Facility, and Department ROI from Reducing Maintenance Related Downtime
How to Use the Communications HubThis Communications feature contains conversations made by users. This is made available on Assets, Maintenance, and Operations tools in Redlist.
How do I Create my Digital SignatureThis article will discuss the feature of storing user's digital signature that can be used both on web and mobile app.
How Do I Use my Digital SignatureThis article will discuss the steps on how users can use their digital signature.
What are the Security Options available in Redlist?This article gives its users the security features available for tenants in Redlist.
How to Send an Invitation to Verify User's Email AddressThis is a step-by-step guide on how to inform and invite users to verify their email address on Redlist.
Maintenance and Lubrication

Create Maintenance and Execute on Maintenance and Lubrication Programs

How Do I Complete a Work Order or Route
How Do I Use Work Order Filters
How to Complete a Work Order
How Do I Configure PM Program Work Order Template Required Settings
How Do I Configure PM Program Work Order Template Frequency Rule Settings
How Do I Edit General Task Settings in PM Programs
How Do I Add an Attachment or Inspection to a Recurring Task
How Do I Add Tasks to Work Order Templates
How Do I Create a Work Order from My PM Program
How Do I Add a Task to a PM Program
How Do I Add a Component to a PM Program
How Do I Add Assets to a PM Program
How Do I Create a New PM Program
How Do I Create Custom Fields for Tasks
How Do I Create Custom Fields for Components
How Do I Update Miles/Km at Last Service in PM Programs
How Do I Ignore or Delete Work Orders
How Do I Edit Work Order Templates
I Can't Find My Work OrdersIf you are using the mobile app and can't find a work order, below are a couple of troubleshooting steps to correct the issue
How Do I Complete a Form on a Task
How Do I Add a Section to a PM Program
Proof of Presence (POP) Facility and Route Level SettingsEnforce completing tasks at the applicable asset with Proof of Presence
Release Notes 2024.12.13
Closing Lubrication Routes in Redlist (a Weekly Open Office Hours Session)This session covers task completion settings in Redlist, including proof of presence, asset tracking, data collection, and automation tools to enhance lubrication route management. This is in Lubrication Management UI.