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Return Type Settings Walkthrough
Return Type Settings Walkthrough

Walkthrough adjustment settings and the advanced options for the return type settings in the return flow

Updated over a week ago

Full Transcript (click arrow below):

0:00 Hey this is Harrison and today we're gonna be going over the work turn um um item in the return flow on the redo merchant dashboard.

0:11 So we're just gonna walk through the settings of the turn type so we can sit. Put the return type as a return here.

0:18 Um and then you can select an exchange, store credit, or refund um for each of these and you'll just add an option.

0:26 So in this case we have refunds, store credit, and exchange. If you don't have one of these you can delete it like- click this, go ahead and delete button or you can add another option there.

0:38 So the settings, the adjustment. What this means is that if it's a positive number then you're giving a credit to the customer on top of their value.

0:50 So in this instance for an exchange we're giving them a set $7.77 for to incentivize them to do an exchange rather than do store credit or refund.

1:04 A negative number. So if this was negative 7.7 this is saying we're encouraging them essentially a restocking fee for an exchange.

1:13 This deincentivizes the customer from selecting that return type in this case it's an exchange. You can do it. It's a self of a percentage of the order value right here or a set standard adjustment dollar value here.

1:29 In the advance option this is the same for all store credit refunds. The green return is when you don't require a customer to send back the item.

1:42 Typically we see merchants doing this for, um, damaged or uh items that they received the wrong wrong product. Mostly. Um, most merchants will want them to keep that and then just send them a new one.

1:58 So you can paste for label that's not covered by a radio. So if this is toggled on, then you will take um.

2:17 The paid the price of the return label and set of the customer. This is just ensures a better customer experience for them.

2:26 Um typically we see this for uh damage items and uh items that they received the wrong product for. We can also limit specific return types to variants.

2:39 Um and just allow the in this case in exchange for variant items um for this. So that is the settings on the return type on the return flow in the merchant redo dashboard.

2:54 Thank very much.

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