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Connect to Xero

How to connect regroupTAX to Xero to import financials

Ned Dear avatar
Written by Ned Dear
Updated over 2 years ago


There are two methods to connect a RegroupTAX client to Xero.

Using the Import Accounts Popup

Navigate to the file details page of the return you'd like to connect and select Import Accounts from the Actions menu.

On the Import Accounts popup, select Xero. If the client has not already been connected to Xero, you will see a Connect to Xero button. Press that button to start the process.

You will be directed to a Xero login screen where you will enter your Xero username and password.

Once logged in you will be prompted to allow regroupTAX access to your data. If you have access to more than one company in Xero, you will see a dropdown with them listed. Select the appropriate company and press the Allow Access button.

Once the process is complete you should be redirected back to the file details page and the Import Accounts popup should launch automatically.

If the client is already connected to Xero, you will see the name of the connected organization as well as a Disconnect from Xero button. Pressing that button will attempt to disconnect the client from Xero and will delete the connection info from Regroup's system.

Using the Client List

On the client list there is a column indicating if the client is connected to Xero.

A Disconnect button indicates the client is connected to Xero. Pressing that button will attempt to disconnect the client from Xero and will delete the connection info from Regroup's system.

The Connect button indicates the client is not connected to Xero. Pressing that button will initiate the connection process.

You will be directed to a Xero login screen where you will enter your Xero username and password.

Once logged in you will be prompted to allow regroupTAX access to your data. If you have access to more than one company in Xero, you will see a dropdown with them listed. Select the appropriate company and press the Allow Access button.

Once the process is complete you should be redirected back to the client list page.

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