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How can I find an accountability partner?

Find accountability partner, get accountability partner, invite accountability partner

Jack Jenkins avatar
Written by Jack Jenkins
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 main ways to find an accountability partner:

1. Invite someone or multiple people from your network outside the app - e.g. friends, family, contacts or people from your religious community

You can find advice on how to approach and discuss this with people you know, and how to help them be a good accountability partner here:

2. Post a request for an accountability partner in the in-app REMOJO community

You can easily post a request from the Community tab: Community >> Accountability Partners >> Accountability Partner Request

3. Subscribe to REMOJO ELITE / PLUS and find a partner in the community

You can easily build stronger relationships with others in the ELITE / PLUS communities, as there are more user profile data available, the ability to post, comment, reply and chat 1-1 etc.

This makes it easy to connect with people that are on the same journey, or are further ahead of you, and make a commitment to hold each other accountable.

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