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Keep track of your sales and reservations

Josipa Ćurić avatar
Written by Josipa Ćurić
Updated over 5 months ago

You can easily track your sales and reservations statistics in Rentlio. Simply open Statistics from the left menu. The Statistics screen is divided into several graphs:

  • Accommodation revenue - graph displays only accommodation revenue. Additional services are not included.

  • Occupancy per month - occupancy displayed in percentage and colours (red = low occupancy, green = highest occupancy)

  • Reservations per country (%) and reservations per channel (%) - both display top 4 countries/channels in terms of received reservations for this year. The other countries/channels are grouped in Other

  • Pace report - displays the number of booked room nights up to now in each individual month and compares them to the exact date one year ago. It also tracks the average rates per night.

Par example: by checking the graph we can see that we already have cca 420 room nights booked for May 2018, while we had cca 380 in the same period last year for May 2017.

Important information:

  • Tooltip " ?" is available next to each graph name. You can read more details about the graphs by hovering the mouse over it

  • Each graph has its own legend so it is easy to see what the data represents

  • You can select the year the graph displays, as well as the year you're comparing it to.


    On the top right, You can select Report button to find and check relevant info about Your property. Choose between the yearly / weekely / daily report and select the Export button to download the report on your computer.

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