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How to set Rentlio booking engine on Facebook page
How to set Rentlio booking engine on Facebook page

Increase direct sale by enabling direct bookings

Josip Subašić avatar
Napisao/la Josip Subašić
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New Rentlio booking engine acts like independent web page because it has it's own web address which you can use anywhere on Internet. In case you still don't have your own, in few simple steps create your booking engine.

Before setting the Book button on your Facebook page, go to booking engine settings and copy Rentlio booking engine address,

then go to your Facebook account and on the left side click on Pages.

The next step is to select the page you are managing on Facebook.

Here you'll get many settings about your page. In the upper right corner you'll see Edit Send Message.

In our case the button label is Edit Send Message. In yours can be something different.

Select Edit Send Message

Below you'll get the option Edit Button.

From the pop up, in the list select the Conmtact us option

In designated field enter your Rentlio booking engine link that you previously copied from Rentlio and then Save

Go back to your Facebook page and view it as a visitor. In the right upper corner you'll see new button Contact us which points your Facebook visitors to Rentlio booking engine where they can book your accommodation.

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