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How to charge reservations in Rentlio?

Find out how to set-up Monri, Stripe or M2Pay as payment methods for Rentlio booking engine

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Inside Rentlio Booking Engine settings there are multiple payment methods you can choose for guests booking accommodation on your website.

In addition to choosing a credit card that serves as a guarantee at the time of booking, bank transfer and several integrated payment gateways are offered.

Bank payment presupposes the payment of the guest after booking the accommodation, therefore the reservation will be an option, and you manually confirm it on the calendar when you receive the payment to the bank account whose data you have entered in the settings of the Rentlio Booking Engine.

Monri, Stripe and M2Pay allow you to manually charge the guest card in advance for part or all of the reservation amount, depending on the billing dynamics you have defined in the RBE settings.


You need to be registered to Monri (provide RBE link for the registration) and use Your API key and Authenticity token.

Save settings and check-mark Monri as payment method.

The guest will add his credit card details on the final step to confirm his booking on Your Web page; a Monri pop-up window will open so he can accept all details and complete the booking process.

Reservation will appear on Your Rentlio calendar, with an option to charge the reservation amount manually.


For Stripe the process is the same as above explained, simply add Your Secret API key and Published API key on Rentlio Booking Engine settings.

Once activated, the payment method can be selected and used on RBE.

On Your Rentlio calendar, You will be able to charge the card:


Once you receive the merchant ID and signature key from M2Pay you need to insert those values under the Booking engine settings in Payments.

Activate M2Pay as the payment method on the list

When you receive a new reservation from the Rentlio booking engine, you need to charge it according to your cancellation policy. You may charge your credit card right from the calendar. Open the received reservation and click on the card icon.

Enter the amount and charge it. All transactions will be placed under the Transaction tab.

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