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RepeatMD Logos and Brand Elements Guide
RepeatMD Logos and Brand Elements Guide

Overview of RepeatMD's identity, including color palettes, typography, logos, and other visual elements

Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the RepeatMD Brand Elements and Logos Guide. This document provides a comprehensive overview of our brand identity, including color palettes, typography, logos, and other visual elements. This guide is intended for external partners, designers, and stakeholders who need to accurately represent RepeatMD in various mediums.

Company Overview

Company Name: RepeatMD
Category: Mobile App (ecommerce, rewards, financing)
Tagline: Put your patients on repeat.

RepeatMD’s visual identity captures the essence of growth and prosperity in the wellness and aesthetics industry. Our brand is portrayed through the metaphor of a garden in full bloom, featuring lush, vibrant flowers and plants. This imagery symbolizes the thriving nature of businesses using the RepeatMD Inbound Revenue platform.


Our logos are a key element of our visual identity. Below are guidelines for their usage:

  • Primary Logo: Used in most contexts, this logo should be displayed in full color on a white or light gray background.

  • Secondary Logo: This is the icon logo mark, intended for use in situations where the primary logo is not suitable due to limited space. The secondary logo should also be in our brand black color.

Primary Logo



Image URL

Black Logo


White Logo


Secondary Logo



Image URL

Black Logo Mark

White Logo Mark


Logo Usage

  • Ensure sufficient space around the logo to maintain its visual impact.

  • Do not alter the logo colors, proportions, or orientation.

  • Use the appropriate logo version based on the background color for optimal visibility and contrast.

Color Palette

Our core palette centers around peach pink and its various tints, representing luxury, friendliness, energy, and encouragement. The primary colors, along with a few of its shades, are prominently featured in key visual elements such as flowers, people, and design elements.

Primary Colors

Peach Main

  • RGB: 241, 128, 104

  • CMYK: 0, 59, 49, 0

  • HEX: #F18068

  • PANTONE: 486 C

Peach Tint 2

  • RGB: 247, 157, 129

  • CMYK: 0, 49, 40, 0

  • HEX: #F79D81

  • PANTONE: 487 C

Peach Tint 3

  • RGB: 247, 176, 154

  • CMYK: 0, 37, 30, 0

  • HEX: #F7B09A

  • PANTONE: 488 C

Peach Tint 4

  • RGB: 255, 231, 219

  • CMYK: 0, 16, 13, 0

  • HEX: #FFE7DB

  • PANTONE: 489 C

Light Gray

  • RGB: 247, 249, 252

  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 9

  • HEX: #F7F9FC

  • PANTONE: 427 C


  • RGB: 255, 255, 255

  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0


  • PANTONE: White


  • RGB: 27, 27, 27

  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 95

  • HEX: #1B1B1B

  • PANTONE: Black 4 C

Secondary Colors


  • RGB: 132, 189, 0

  • CMYK: 50, 0, 100, 0

  • HEX: #84BD00

  • PANTONE: 368 C

Dark Gray

  • RGB: 209, 211, 213

  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 27

  • HEX: #D1D3D5

  • PANTONE: 429 C


  • RGB: 223, 224, 227

  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 16

  • HEX: #DFE0E3

  • PANTONE: 428 C

Our secondary palette includes green and two tints of gray, used in smaller areas such as leaves of flowers and design elements like unselected tabs.


We utilize two primary typefaces in our branding:

  • Headlines: Manrope

    • Manrope is a contemporary and versatile sans-serif font family, that embodies a modern aesthetic and has been further enhanced to be a variable font, allowing for adaptable use in various design contexts.

  • Body Text: Inter

    • Inter is designed for optimal readability on computer screens. It offers a range of OpenType features, making it ideal for diverse textual presentations.

Brand Messaging

Tagline: "Put your patients on repeat."

Tone of Voice: Intelligent, Passionate, Bold

RepeatMD’s platform combines the power of rewards, patient financing, and ecommerce into your own mobile app, providing a new source of revenue and giving your clients the industry's best patient experience.

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