You are able to connect email accounts from different providers in ReplyAssist. So, check the next steps to learn how to connect your Outlook account.
Note: Microsoft 365 accounts need Azure admin authorization before creating the integration with ReplyAssist. This guide is exclusively for Outlook emails. Please check out this guide if you want to connect Microsoft 365 accounts.
Connecting your Outlook account (No IMAP access needed)
Head over to the integrations tab, and click email integration
Once there, click on Add New Integration
A message will be shown, these instructions are only for Gmail users however, in order to continue with the integration, click the box and click Proceed.
A pop-up window will show up. Make sure you don't have pop-up windows blocked.
You will be prompted to select a provider, in this case, select "Continue with Microsoft".
Enter your Login details, and click "NEXT".
After that, your account should be connected.