What is a Booking Request?
A booking request on RestauRent is an inquiry to reserve your venue for a private event or large party. Unlike platforms like OpenTable, where small dining reservations are instantly confirmed, RestauRent’s booking requests start with a "Need to Review" status, giving venues the chance to review the inquiry before confirming or declining. This process ensures that both the venue and the booker can communicate and agree on event details before finalizing the reservation.
Information Provided To Venues In a Booking Request
When a booker submits a request, they will need to provide the following information:
Phone Number
Event Date
Start and End Time
Event Type
Number of Guests
Budget (Optional)
Event Description
Stage of Booking Process: How far along the booking is (e.g., initial inquiry, ready to book).
Requested Amenities (Optional)
Food Restrictions (Optional)
Type of Request: Private event, semi-private, or large reservation
Specific Room (Optional)
Receiving and Viewing Booking Requests
When a new booking request is submitted, all users associated with your venue listing will receive an email notification from hello@restaurent.com. The subject line of this email dynamically adjusts based on the booker's stage in the booking process.
Each email includes a summary of the request and a direct link to your RestauRent account, making it easy to review the full details.
Subject Lines by Booking Stage:
Ready to Book: New Booking Request for {{Venue Name}} – Ready to Book! 🚨
Interested but Needs More Info: New Booking Request for {{Venue Name}} – Guest Interested in More Info 🎉
General Inquiry: New Booking Request for {{Venue Name}} – General Inquiry
Comparing Venue Prices: New Booking Request for {{Venue Name}} – Comparing Venue Prices
All users associated with the venue listing will also receive an SMS notification for new bookings if they have opted into SMS notifications.
To view and manage a booking request in your RestauRent account:
From the Email Notification: Click the See Full Reservation Request & Guest Details button in the email to directly access the booking details.
From Your RestauRent Account:
Log into your account.
Click on Home on the left-hand side menu.
On the Home page, select "Bookings" from the Home page menu items
When a "Message" Becomes an Official Booking Request
Many RestauRent users start by messaging your venue for more information before submitting a booking request. If your conversation leads to a guest being ready to move forward, you can create an official booking request from the "Bookings" section on your home page.
Use this form to log a new booking request for guests who initially messaged you but are now ready to proceed. Submitting it through RestauRent ensures you can manage the request, track details, and officially approve the booking.
How to Create a Booking Request:
Click "Create a New Booking" in the Bookings section.
Select the user and venue associated with the request.
Fill out the remaining booking details.
Choose to either:
Approve the booking immediately, or
Set the status to "In Contact" or another relevant status until you're ready to approve.
By logging the request in RestauRent, you can seamlessly manage it alongside all your other bookings, ensuring a smooth process for both you and your guests.
Managing Booking Requests
The Booking Details page is your control center for managing individual booking requests. From this page, you can:
Update the Status: Update the booking status to reflect its current stage. When you update the status of a booking, the booker will be notified of status changes. Booking status options include 1. Need To Review 2. In Contact 3. Approved 4. Declined
Message Booker: Directly communicate with the booker and attach documents if needed.
Edit booking details: Update any detail of the booking, such as event title, making it more identifiable in your calendar. Learn more about your RestauRent calendar.
Save Venue Staff Only Notes (Internal Notes): When viewing booking details, click the "Make notes (internal)" button to write and save a note on this booking. Internal notes will only be viewable and editable by venue members on your account. Booker users will never be able to see your Venue Staff Only notes. If you need to give the booker information about their request please make sure to message them directly.
Bookings Status and How to Update Them
By default, booking requests are initially set to "Need to Review". Here are the statuses you can change as you manage the booking:
Need to Review
In Contact
In Contact
When you respond to a booking request you should update the status to "In Contact". A booking can remain in this status until you have determined weather or not you will be approving or declining the booking request.
Approving or Declining Booking Requests
Approve a Booking Request: You can approve the booking if the requested date is available, after discussing with the booker or securing payment.
Decline a Booking Request: If you need to decline a request due to a date conflict, consider reaching out to the booker first to explore whether they’re flexible with their event date. However, you may decline any booking if you feel it isn’t the right fit for your venue.
Either way, we always encourage you to communicate with the Booker via the messenger.
Message a Booker
You can contact a booker directly from the Booking Details page by clicking the Message Booker button, which enables you to send messages and attach any pertinent documents. Effective communication is crucial for securing bookings, we recommend reaching out to the booker as soon as you see the booking request.
You can communicate with a booker via phone, text message, or email if you prefer. However, we highly recommend using the RestauRent messenger whenever possible to keep all event-related communication organized in one place. This way, if you ever need support from the RestauRent team, we’ll have the full context to assist you more effectively.
Editing a Booking Request
To edit a booking request, click the Edit booking details button on the View Details page. This allows you to update any information and add a title to the event, enhancing its visibility and management in your calendar.