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Stay AI Customer Portal Setup
Stay AI Customer Portal Setup

Let's get your customers set up and able to manage their subscriptions!

Karin Brashears avatar
Written by Karin Brashears
Updated over 2 months ago

What is the Customer Portal?

The customer portal is the place where your customers will come to access subscription details, manage their subscription, add new products to their upcoming order, and manage profile information. The Stay AI Merchant Portal gives our clients the ability to create a cohesive experience between your Shopify theme and our hosted customer portal.

Customize Your Portal

Once you are in the Stay AI portal, navigate to the "Customer Portal" section. This is where the magic happens! Start with:


This is where you will determine the look and feel of your customer portal. The possibilities are (almost) endless.

  • Punch Card: If you have enabled Digital Punch Card, you will want to toggle on the Punch Card in the customer portal. This will allow your customers to see how far along they are towards receiving a reward. You can configure how it looks by selecting colors, icons, and more.

  • Banner Ad: If there is an image or ad that you desire to be displayed on the customer portal, this is where it is configured. Toggling this on will give you the ability to add a clickable link, an image (desktop specific and mobile specific), and a product that the customer can add directly from the banner ad, either as a one-time purchase, an addition to their subscription, or both. The image for your banner ad can be added via a file update or image URL.

  • Confetti: You have the option to add a little pizazz to the customer portal when customers receive a free gift promotion. Simply toggle on Confetti, that's it!

  • Frequency Change: You have two options for the type of frequency changes you can offer your customers on their portal—the frequency options in the selling plan group that their subscription contract is associated with or any frequency option. You can also set the maximum number of days from today a customer can set their Next Order Date as well as their Pause Subscription/Next Order Date.

  • Base Colors: Determine the colors that would be on the page of the customer portal.

    • Primary Color: The primary color is background color of your header at the top of your customer portal (Dark Pink in example)

    • Base Color: This is the color of your portal background, which sits on top of the Page Background but under the page content. (White in example)

    • Page Background: These colors serve as the background of your page, behind the page content (Grey in example below)

  • Text Colors: Determines the color of any text on the page that is outside of button text

    • Text : This will be the color of most of the text across the page including the left hand portal navigation options, product titles, variant titles, prices, subscription detail header, discount code details and order total breakdown. (Green in the example below)

    • Links / Accent: This is the color of the text indicating what page of the portal you are on, in the left hand navigation (Subscriptions, Past Orders, Profiles, etc) (Red in the example below)

    • Reverse: This is the color of your Subscription #, Subscription Status and "Add Extras to Next Order" copy (Pink in example below)

  • Primary CTA: Any buttons that are considered a "focused user action", such as "Get it Now", will inherit this treatment

    • Background Color: Determines the color for the background of the Get it Now and Discount toggles as well as the tabs of the subscription tabs that are note currently selected, should your customer have multiple subscriptions (Green in example below)

    • Text Color: Determines the color of the text for the buttons mentioned above. (Red in example below)

    • Stroke Color: Determines the color of the border of the "Get It Now" Button (Orange in the example below)

    • Width: This can either increase or decrease the thickness of the stroke (Orange in the example below)

    • Edges:Can be set by either "Round" or "Square" for the button display (Orange in the example below)

  • Secondary CTA: Any buttons that live within the center of the page content and share equal importance (i.e. "Set Next Order Date", "Manage with SMS", etc.). You will also need to select the background color, text color, stroke color, width, and edges for these CTAs.

    • Background Color: Determines the color for the background of the Skip next order, Swap next order, and Set next order date, Manage with SMS, Update my info, Gift next order, Pause Subscription, and Cancel Subscription buttons (Light blue in example below)

    • Text Color: Determines the color of the text for the buttons mentioned above (Dark blue in example below)

    • Stroke Color: Determines the color of the border of the buttons mentioned above (Pink in the example below)

    • Width: This can either increase or decrease the thickness of the stroke (Pink in the example below)

    • Edges: Can be set by either "Round" or "Square" for the button display (Pink in the example below)

  • Frames: This is referring to the shape of the "cards" on the customer portal. Cards are the boxes housing what products customer are subscribed to, what products customers are adding as a one-time purchase to their next order, what frequency they are subscribed to, and their delivery address.

    • Stroke Color: Determines the color of the border surrounding the cards (Pink in the example below)

    • Edges: 0px will have a perfectly square card, while 10px will create rounded edges on the card. Example below highlights Edges at a 5px.


Beyond customizing your customer portal's banner ad and colors, your team can easily update nearly every item of copy on the portal. Navigate to the Copy page under Customer Portal.

Not only can you update the buttons and header copy, but you can also update confirmation messaging as well, such as the messaging a customer will see when attempting to cancel their subscription. The copy is organized into dropdown sections. There is also default copy greyed out to guide you when the text field is empty.


Lastly, the Products tab allows your team to determine which, if any, products you would like to add to the customer portal to allow customers to add or swap to, on their next order and/or subscription. Allowing customers to add items to their next order is a great way to increase AOV! These products can show in a variety of places. Let's go through some definitions that will help you setup your products in the customer portal:

Product Carousel: The carousel sits at the top of the page, which rotates freely, but can also be manually rotated with the arrows at the side. To utilize the Carousel, you must add at least 3 products- but no more than 12, so it's important to choose the highest valued products of your portfolio to show up here.

View All Products: Slightly above the carousel is an option for your customers to "View All Products". All items that you enable to be swapped, added on one time or added onto a Subscription will populate here and are searchable via the Search Bar!

Add One: Enabling "Add One" for your products, means that customers can only order the product on a single order basis (not as a subscription). This is a great strategy for limited edition products.

Subscription: This setting allows your customers to add the product to their subscription. This is great to be used if a product is a hero product or complementary to your hero product.

Swap: Making a product swappable, allows customers who want to swap their existing subscription product for a new product. This is a great way to decrease potential cancellations!

Now that you know the basics, let's get you set up!

In order to utilize the product carousel and catalog, you must start by Adding Products.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "Add/Remove Products" button.

  2. Your Shopify products will display in a list. Select the products you wish to add to the Carousel and Customer Portal Catalog. You can also search for products if you have a large product catalog.

  3. Once you've made your selections, click "OK".

  4. Once you click "OK", you will see all selected products.

  5. For products you wish for customers to have the ability to add as a one time product, select "Add one".

    1. You will need to select the discount applied to the product. It is advised that you set a specific discount percentage or static discount value to apply to the product's Shopify price. There are more details on discount granularity below!

  6. For products you wish for customers to have the ability to add as a subscription product, select "Subscription".

    1. Please also select the discount applied to the subscription products. The discount will apply to the Shopify price.

  7. For products you wish for customers to have the ability to swap for their existing product, select "Swap".

    1. Please select the discount applied to the Swap products. The discount will apply to the Shopify price.

  8. Any products you wish to display in the carousel, you must select "Add to Carousel". As mentioned, you can select a minimum of three products to enable the carousel displaying, but a maximum of twelve products.

  9. Once you have selected all carousel products, click "Order Carousel Items", which you can find at the bottom of the page.

  10. Drag and drop the products in the drop down to where you want them to sit. For example, the product dragged to the top of the list will display first in the carousel.

Discount Granularity: Lastly, your team has the ability to get granular with the discount values set to each of these add on products. Discounts can be set to a specific percentage or dollar value off the Shopify price (best practice!). These values can not only differ by product, but by action (add one vs subscription vs swap). You are in complete control!

Mark as Out of Stock: Clicking on any of the "Mark as Out of Stock" buttons will open up a modal to allow you to select/toggle on "Mark Out of Stock" for the product. This will show the item as out of stock on the customer portal, which will signal to them to swap to or add a different product variant.

Variants to exclude: Clicking "Variants to exclude" on a product card will open a modal that lists out all the variants of the product. Selecting the checkbox next to any of the variants will exclude those variants from being available for add (as one-time or subscription) or swap in the customer portal.

Feeling good? So are we! Submit all of your changes, and get your customers settled in on your new customer portal!

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