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How Do I Customize Each Step in the Return Center?
How Do I Customize Each Step in the Return Center?

Learn how you can edit the text, questions, and design on each page of your Return Center.

Michel Mongeau avatar
Written by Michel Mongeau
Updated over a week ago

You can make these changes by going to the Customize Settings page.

White-Label Domains and Emails - Enterprise customers now have access to:

  • Customize the Returns Center URL: Allowing merchants to have a custom URL that points to your ReturnLogic-hosted return center. This means that any user that navigates to that URL (I.e. would see that merchant's return center in the same way as they were with the standard URL prefix domain (i.e.

  • Customizing the "Sender" for Email Notifications: Customization of the sender for email notifications allows merchants the ability to select the email address from which shoppers will receive email notifications throughout the returns process (I.e., Previous to August 2023, all emails sent to shoppers originated from until this update was introduced.

  • Removing ReturnLogic Logo from Returns Center: Upon explicit request only

White-label access is available to Enterprise accounts. To learn more or turn the solution on, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Please note that once a merchant opts into white-label domains, the merchant is solely responsible to connectivity and maintenance of their DNS.

Below are all pages that you have access to edit on the Returns Center:

Landing Page - The first page that your customer will land on when clicking the returns link. This is where a customer begins a return.

  • Global

    • Currency Format - The currency format that you would like to use.

    • Page Title - The title that appears in the browser tab.

    • Custom Font 1 - A link to the main font you wish to use.

    • Custom Font 2 - A link to the sub font you wish to use.

    • Header Html - Customize the html for the header that is shown on each page of the returns process.

    • Javascript Snippet - Add a Javascript snippet for tracking, analytics, chat or something else. This script will be added to each page of the returns process.

    • CSS Theme - Select a look for your return center.

    • Custom CSS - Customize your return center CSS theme (chosen above) to fit your branding. Need help getting started? Check out our Custom CSS Guide.

    • Continue Button

    • Previous Button

    • Finish Button

  • Welcome

    • Title

    • Instructions

    • Email Label

    • Email Prompt

    • Order Number Label

    • Order Number Prompt

    • Start Button

    • Gift Link

    • Third Party Warranty

    • Not Found Message - The message that is displayed when no orders are found.

    • Order Expired Message - The message that is displayed when the order(s) are outside of the return window.

    • Details Section - Customize the html for the details section that will appear below the start return prompt.

Gift Return Page - The page that your customer will see if the they are returning a gift. This is an alternative page for a customer to start a return.

  • Gift Card

    • Title

    • Instructions

    • Order Number Prompt

    • Order Number Label

    • Postal Code Prompt

    • Postal Code Label

    • Name Prompt

    • Name Label

    • Email Prompt

    • Email Label

    • Start Button

    • Standard Return Link

    • Not Found Message - The message that is displayed when no orders are found.

    • Details Section - Customize the html for the details section that will appear below the gift return prompt.

Notification Page - The page that is shown when a customer has entered their email and started a return.

  • Notification

    • Header

    • Message

    • Footer

Orders Page - The shopper is taken to this page from the verification email that is sent when they start a return. All recent orders associated with the customer email are displayed with any non-returnable orders being un-selectable.

  • Orders

    • Title

    • Expired Message - This message is displayed if the order is outside of the return period.

    • Unfulfilled Message - This message is displayed if the order cannot be returned because it has not been fulfilled yet.

    • Not Shipped Message - This message is displayed if the order cannot be returned because it has not been shipped yet.

    • Cancelled Message - This message is displayed if the order has been cancelled and will not be delivered to the shopper.

Address Page - This page is shown so that a customer can verify or change their shipping address.

  • Address

    • Title

    • Message

    • Name Label

    • Name Placeholder

    • Address Line One Label

    • Address Line One Placeholder

    • Address Line Two Label

    • Address Line Two Placeholder

    • City Label

    • Country Label

    • Region / State Label

    • Postal Code Label

    • Postal Code Placeholder

    • Phone Number Label

    • Phone Number Placeholder

    • Company Label

    • Company Placeholder

    • Company Button text

  • Invalid Address

    • Message

    • Use Invalid Text

  • International Address

    • Title

    • Message

    • Change Address Button

    • Use Address Button

Items Page - This page is shown to the customer when they have selected an order and presents the items available for return. Any items that are not returnable are un-selectable.

  • Items

    • Title

    • Message - Already Returned - The message that shoppers will see for items that are already returned.

    • Message - UnReturnable - The message that shoppers will see for items that are unable to be returned.

    • Message - Unfulfilled - The message that shoppers will see for items that cannot be returned because they have not been fulfilled yet.

Item Selection Page - This page is shown to the customer when they select an item to return. Return types such as refund, credit and exchange are presented as options as well as inputs for return reason codes, comments and image selection.

  • Item Selection

    • Return Quantity Label - Only appears for ReturnLogic Classic Mode.

    • Return Type Label

    • Return Reason Label

    • Secondary Return Reason Label

    • Return Comment Label

    • Return Image Label

    • Exchange Type Label

    • Variant Exchange Type Display Name - The name you would like to display to shoppers when they are trying to exchange for a variant item.

    • Full Catalog Exchange Type Display Name - The name you would like to display to shoppers when they are trying to exchange for an item from your full catalog.

    • Variant Exchanges Unavailable Message - The message you would like to display to shoppers when Variant Exchanges are disabled because the RMA item is out of stock or has an exclusion tag.

    • Return Image Label

    • Cancel Button

    • Add Button

Warranty Page - This page is shown to the customer when they select warranty for an item they would like to return.

  • Warranty

    • In-Stock Product Custom Message

    • Out-of-Stock Product Custom Message - The text that would appear if product is out of stock.

    • Exact Replacement Button Text - The text that appears on the button to select full catalog exchange for the warranty.

    • Full Catalog Exchange Button Text - The text that appears on the button if product is out of stock, but you want to oversell.

    • Oversell Button Text - The text that appears on the button if the product is out of stock, but you want to oversell.

    • Contact Customer Service Button Text - The text that appears on the button to contact customer success if product is out of stock.

  • Customer Service Contact Options

    • Custom Message - Give shoppers instructions to contact customer service, or leave a friendly message!

    • Contact Information - Specify how you would like customers to contact you if product if out of stock.

    • Warranty Phone - The phone number to be used to contact you regarding warranties.

    • Phone Call Instructions - Detail any specific instructions for customer when they call your number.

    • Warranty Email - The email address to be used to contact you regarding warranties.

    • Email Instructions - Detail any specific instructions for customer when they email you.

    • Default Button Text - The text that appears on the default button.

Exchanges Page - The customer is taken to this page if they have selected to receive an exchange item. A product search allows for the selection of the item(s) the customer wishes to receive in return.

  • Exchange

    • Title

    • Message

  • Search

    • Search Placeholder

    • No Products Found - The message you would like shoppers to see when they are unable find a product through the full catalog exchange search.

Review Page - This page displays a breakdown of the return types (refund, credit, exchange) and the estimated values and exchange items that the customer will receive upon returning their items.

  • Review

    • Title

    • Message

    • Shipping Title - The title for the return shipping type.

    • Return Items Title - The title for the items being returned.

    • Receiving Items Title - The title for the return value or items being received.

    • Review Estimate Message - The message indicating the terms of the return indicated return estimate.

    • Contact Support Message - Section at the bottom of the review page for out of stock warranty claims when the shopper selects contact customer support.

Summary Page - An overview of their return including the status, shipping instructions and link to download their shipping label where appropriate.

  • Summary

    • Title

    • Message

    • RMA Number Label - The label displayed in front of the RMA number.

    • RMA Status Message - The message displaying the RMA status. %(RETURN_STATUS) will display the current status.

    • Shipping Instruction Title - The title displayed before the shipping instructions.

    • Contact Support Next Step Message - The bullet point message in the Next Steps Container for the contact customer support warranty claim scenario.

    • Authorization Required Message - The message displayed if the RMA requires retailer authorization.

    • Return By Message

    • RMA Authorized Message - The message displayed if the RMA has been authorized.

    • Return Items Title

    • Print Label Button - The button text that is displayed to download and print the shipping label.

    • Print Instructions Button - The button text that is displayed to download the shipping instructions and packing slip when no label is provided to the shopper.

    • No Shipping Message - The message that is displayed when the shopper is not required to ship the items back.

    • QR Code Instructions - Provide instructions for your customers to bring their item and QR code to USPS to complete their return.

  • Call-to-Action Content Block

    • You can use this area to remarket to your shoppers by sharing promotions or special offers and directing them back to your store.

  • Contact Customer Support Content Block

    • Allow shoppers to contact your customer service for any additional questions by providing your contact information.

Third Party Summary Page - An overivew of their return including the status, shipping instructions and link to download their shipping label where appropriate. Separate customizations for third party warranties.

  • Third Party Summary

    • Title

    • Message

    • RMA Number Label - The label displayed in front of the RMA number.

    • RMA Status Message - The message displaying the RMA status. %(RETURN_STATUS) will display the current status.

    • Shipping Instruction Title - The title displayed before the shipping instructions.

    • Authorization Required Message - The message displayed if the RMA requires retailer authorization.

    • Return By Message

    • RMA Authorized Message - The message displayed if the RMA has been authorized.

    • Return Items Title

    • Print Label Button - The button text that is displayed to download and print the shipping label.

    • Print Instructions Button - The button text that is displayed to download the shipping instructions and packing slip when no label is provided to the shopper.

    • No Shipping Message - The message that is displayed when the shopper is not required to ship the items back.

    • QR Code Instructions - Provide instructions for your customers to bring their item and QR code to USPS to complete their return.

  • Call-to-Action Content Block

    • You can use this area to remarket to your shoppers by sharing promotions or special offers and directing them back to your store.

Invalid Page - This page is displayed if the customers return cannot be found, is invalid or is expired.

  • Invalid

    • Header

    • Message

    • Start New Return Button

Divergence Page - This page is displayed if the cost of returning the items exceeds the value of the items.

  • Divergence

    • Header

    • Message

Third Party Warranty Order Info Page - This page collects info from customers requesting an RMA who purchased the product from a third party.

  • Third Party Order Info

    • Title

    • First Name Label

    • First Name Prompt

    • First Name Description

    • Last Name Label

    • Last Name Prompt

    • Last Name Description

    • Email Label

    • Email Prompt

    • Email Description

    • Phone Number Label

    • Phone Number Prompt

    • Purchase Date Label

    • Purchase Date Prompt

    • Purchase Date Description

    • Purchase Location Label

    • Purchase Location Prompt

    • Purchase Location Description

    • Receipt Upload Label

    • Receipt Upload Description

    • Receipt Upload Button Text

    • Start Button Text

    • Back to Home Text

Third Party Warranty Address Page - This page collects shipping information from customers requesting an RMA who purchased the product from a third party.

  • Third Party Warranty Address

    • Shipping Full Name Description

    • Shipping Full Name Label

    • Shipping Full Name Prompt

    • Address 1 Description

    • Address 1 Label

    • Address 1 Prompt

    • Address 2 Description

    • Address 2 Label

    • Address 2 Prompt

    • City Description

    • City Label

    • City Prompt

    • Country Description

    • Country Label

    • Country Prompt

    • Region Description

    • Region Label

    • Region Prompt

    • Postal Code Description

    • Postal Code Label

    • Postal Code Prompt

    • Phone Number Label

    • Phone Number Prompt

    • Company Label

    • Company Placeholder

    • Company Button Text

Third Party Product Select Page - This page allows for the selection of the item(s) the customer wishes to claim through a third party warranty.

  • 3rd Party Order Items

    • Title

    • Sub-header

    • Search Button Placeholder

    • Message

    • Product Select Title

    • Search Placeholder

    • Return Reason Label

    • Secondary Return Reason Label

    • Return Comment Label

    • Product Image Upload Label

    • Product Image Upload Button Text

Third Party Can't Find Your Product Page - This page allows for the selection of the item(s) the customer wishes to claim through a third party warranty.

  • 3rd Party Can't Find Your Product

    • Can't Find Your Product Link

    • Product Title

    • Product Title Placeholder

    • Product Description

    • Product Description Placeholder

    • Product Image Title

Third Party Review Page - This page shows the customer the details of their third party claim before it is submitted.

  • 3rd Party Order Review

    • Title

    • Sub-header

*Important Note*
You cannot remove or reorder pages in the Return Center flow.

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