Overview: This integration allows for when shoppers initiate the conversation through the chat box a hyperlink will populate under the shopper once they have provided their email address. This allows for the merchant to easily access the shopper's return in ReturnLogic.
How to set it up:
If you do not have a Gladly account reach out to partners@returnlogic.com
Log into your Gladly account and go to settings.
On the left-hand side under "App Developer Tools" select "apps" and then "add app" at the top right and choose "custom"
Name the app "ReturnLogic Connector"
Under URL in copy and paste: "https://gladly.returnlogic.com/"
4. Input "email" and "Email" under both Search Query Attributes and Search Results Attributes.
5. Checkmark both custom email and enable actions if unselected and Save App.
How to embed the Sidekick chatbox:
Go to your settings in Gladly and on the left side under channels select "Sidekick".
In the three dots, select embed.
Copy the first load Sidekick and paste under HTML in Customize>Return Center tab
Then copy the initialize Sidekick and paste under Javascript in Customize>Return Center tab
Save and Publish in ReturnLogic.
If additional help is needed with Gladly's Sidekick settings please visit Gladly's Help Article.
We're here to help! Email us at support@returnlogic.com or use the live chat inside the platform with any questions or feedback.