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How to Create a Bundle in Shopify & ReturnLogic

Learn how to create a bundle in Shopify. Then learn how to support that bundle in ReturnLogic.

Kaylie avatar
Written by Kaylie
Updated over a week ago


With ReturnLogic's new Bundling + Kitting feature, you will first need to set up a new "Parent" product in Shopify. This will be a new product that is created to host the bundle on your website. Once the bundle has been created in Shopify, you will need to create the bundle in ReturnLogic and associate any products included in the bundle. This article walks through how all of this can be done.

How to Create a Bundle in Shopify:

  1. Navigate to the "Products" tab on the left-hand side of the screen in Shopify.

  2. Select "Add Product"

  3. Add a Title and Description to your Bundle.

  4. Add images of the products that will be included in this Bundle.

  5. Set the price that you would like to sell this bundle at.

  6. Set the SKU and inventory level for this new bundle.

  7. Determine the shipping weight of the product.

  8. Make sure your product is set to active and has the correct sales channels.

  9. Lastly, Select "Save"

How to Create this Bundle in ReturnLogic:

  1. Navigate Settings and then to Bundles.

  2. Select the "Bundles" tab.

  3. Select "Add New Bundle".

  4. First, select the bundle policy that this new bundle will fall under.

  5. Next, select the "Parent" product (The product we created above).

  6. Last, add all of the "Child" products that will be included in this bundle.

  7. Once you have completed all those steps, save your new bundle.

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