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All CollectionsBranding the Return Center:How to Customize the Return Center Templates (Classic Mode)
Customizing the Fonts and Hyperlinks of the Return Center Templates (Classic Mode)
Customizing the Fonts and Hyperlinks of the Return Center Templates (Classic Mode)

Learn how you can edit the CSS to personalize the templates’ fonts and hyperlinks to match your branding.

Kaylie avatar
Written by Kaylie
Updated over a week ago


Code Customization

The templates will have all the following code already, but you will need to customize the code to match your branding, e.g., color, font, etc. This article explains what’s being done and what can be done in more detail.

Any text with this font and inside this gray box or with a gray
highlight (shown below) is code except for text within /* */,
i.e., comments.

/* Comments label the sections of the code depending on which page(s)
we are editing and any notes. We will leave the comments in the
articles to help you identify which section's code we are referring to
and if you want to copy and paste the notes in your code for easier
future reference as to what's being done. */

Any text in this gray highlight is also code, and all the above applies.

Please note you must be on Classic Mode in your Customize Settings. These templates do not apply to Modern Mode.

Table of Contents


Font Classes Glossary

Note that in some cases you’ll need to specify what section’s font you’re editing (i.e., .classname <tagname> or #ID <tagname>), and some html elements have classes to override their properties. We’ve included some examples here (e.g., .sku-details p and .activeText) but encourage you to utilize the Inspect Element tool.


  • h1: Summary Page CTA Content Block Title

  • h2: Landing Page Title

  • h3: every page title after the Landing Page

  • h4: card titles (e.g., Landing Page “How It Works” text, Items Page Item Card item name, etc.), Items Page Item Card non-returnable messages, Variant Exchange Pop-up Modal's "Select Variant" text, Review Page container titles (e.g., “Shipping,” “Returning,” etc.), Summary Page CTA Content Block Message

  • h5: Page descriptive text (below h3 page title), Review and Summary Pages product name text

  • h6: Third-party Warranty Add a Product Page Item Pop-up Modal item details

General Paragraph/Body Text

  • p: general paragraph text

    • .sku-details p: Items Page Item Card Variant Details, e.g., color or size

    • .order-number p: Items Page Item Card Order Number

    • .trackingText: Summary Page Return Status Container noncurrent statuses

    • .activeText: Summary Page Return Status Container current status

    • .returnByText: Summary Page Return Status Container Return By Message

    • .summaryMessageText: Summary Page Next Steps Container bullet point text

    • .returnByDate: Summary Page Next Steps Container Return By Message

  • body: general body text, button text, and shipping method description

    • .order-price: Items Page Item Card Order Price

    • .return-price: Items Page Item Card Return Price and "(Exchange Credit)" text

    • .headerMessageTop: Summary Page Return Status Container Title

    • .headerMessageBottom: Summary Page Return Status Container Return # Subtitle

    • .footerMessageTop: Summary Page Return Status Container RMA Status Message

    • .footerMessageBottom: Summary Page Return Status Container RMA Authorization Required/Authorized Message (about emailing)

    • .nextHeader: Summary Page Next Steps Container Title

  • .text-muted: descriptor text, e.g., Return Type Button description, Full Catalog Exchange Item Card variant detail

  • .color-red: non-error red highlight text, e.g., item’s non-returnable messages on the Items Page Item Card (h4) and "required" text

  • a: hyperlinks – refer to Hyperlinks section below for more details


  • label: form labels and identifier text for text boxes, buttons, selections, etc.

  • input: encompasses example text, text boxes, and form input field text

  • .form-control: Form input field text

  • .label-error: error notification text to inform shopper that inputted form information is incorrect, e.g., "Email Address is required"

Customize Font Elements

Identify which font elements you wish to customize.

Some relevant properties you may wish to edit:

  • font-family: font, e.g. Raleway, Arial, etc.

  • font-size: text size

    • We recommend...

      • Setting the font size with pixels (px) for full control

      • A minimum font size of at least 16pt for visual accessibility

  • font-weight: the perceived weight or boldness of the text

    • 400 is equivalent to normal

    • 700 is bold

  • text-decoration: overline, line-through, underline

  • line-height: space between lines of text

    • For visual accessibility, we recommend...

      • ~1-1.3 for headings

      • ~1.4-1.65 for body text

      • ~1.3 for captions

  • color: text color

    • Set using predefined color names or RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, HSLA values – we used HEX

    • Make sure your text contrasts enough with your background (refer to the accessibility resources for help choosing visually accessible colors)

Example: for the CSS below, you want to change the font-family of h1, h2, and h3 to Raleway.

/* ---- GLOBAL ---- */ 

h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;
line-height: 1.3;
color: #1F1F1F !important; }

To change the font, you must edit the font-family:

In example code, replaced the original font-family Helvetica with Raleway

Final code:

/* ---- GLOBAL ---- */ 

h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: raleway, sans-serif !important;
line-height: 1.3;
color: #1F1F1F !important; }

Example: for the CSS below, you want to change the font-family of only h3 to Raleway.

/* ---- GLOBAL ---- */ 

h1, h2, h3 {
font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;
line-height: 1.3;
color: #1F1F1F !important; }

To do this, you must style h3’s CSS font-family property separately since the font-family is different from that of h1 and h2.

After removing h3 from the original group in the example code, style it separately by changing the font family to Raleway and include relevant font properties

Final code:

/* ---- GLOBAL ---- */ 

h1, h2 {
font-family: helvetica, sans-serif !important;
line-height: 1.3;
color: #1F1F1F !important; }

h3 {
font-family: raleway, sans-serif !important;
font-size: 32px !important;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1.3;
color: #1F1F1F !important; }

Web-safe Fonts

Web-safe fonts display properly on any browser on any device with any operating system. Some web-safe fonts (categorized by generic font families) include...

Serif Fonts

  • Garamond

  • Georgia

  • Times New Roman

Sans-serif Fonts

  • Arial

  • Helvetica

  • Tahoma

  • Verdana

Monospaced Fonts

  • Courier New

Web-safe fonts may not match your branding, though, so don’t feel confined to only using web-safe fonts. Do, however, check how your fonts appear on different browsers, devices, and operating systems, and regardless of whether you do or don’t use a web-safe font, always have fallback fonts in your HTML and CSS since no font is 100% web safe.

CSS Fallback Fonts

Always have a list of similar back-up fonts in the font-family property and end with the generic font-family name. The browser will go through the list until a font works, and if all else fails, use the features of the specified generic font family.

Generic Font Families

  • Serif fonts: contain serifs, decorative strokes on the ends of the letter’s shape, e.g., Times New Roman and Georgia

  • Sans-serif fonts: don’t have serifs, e.g., Arial and Helvetica

  • Monospace fonts: have fixed, equal character width and spacing, e.g., Courier New and JetBrains Mono

  • Cursive fonts: resemble handwriting, e.g., Brush Script MT and Comic Sans MS

  • Fantasy fonts: are primarily decorative, e.g., Impact and Luminari


Hyperlink Classes Glossary

  • a: hyperlinks

  • a:link: unvisited hyperlink

  • a:visited: visited hyperlink

  • a:hover: mousing over a hyperlink

  • a.invalid-address-override:hover: "Use anyway" hyperlink in invalid address pop-up – overrides general link so need to style this as well

Hyperlink Structure

<a href = “INSERT URL HERE” > Hyperlink text </a> 
  • The desired link for the hyperlink must be placed within the quotes in the first <a href> tag.

  • Text placed within the <a>..</a> tags is the clickable text that shoppers can see and interact with instead of the lengthy URL.

Hyperlink Styling

Hyperlinks can be styled with the same CSS properties as text.

<p style= “INSERT CSS STYLING” > Paragraph Text <a href= 
“INSERT URL HERE” > Hyperlink text </a> Paragraph Text </p>

Example: you want to include a hyperlink with Helvetica font-family that will direct shoppers to your “About Us” page.

Start with desired paragraph text:

<p> Learn more about us here.</p> 

Select your desired URL and decide what text you want to turn into hyperlinks. For this example, we will choose “here”.

<p> Learn more about us <a href=

Finally, incorporate font styling by adding Helvetica as a font-family. Your final code should look like the following:

<p style= “font-family: helvetica, sans-serif”> Learn more about us 
<a href= “”>here</a>.</p>

Hyperlink States

Make sure you style your hyperlinks' general, unvisited, visited, and hover states to match your branding. We recommend styling the unvisited state and visited state the same because shoppers may make multiple returns and revisit the same link multiple times. We also recommend leaving the hover state underlined for visual accessibility.

Example: your brand color is purple, so you want your hyperlink to be purple.

/* ---- GLOBAL ---- */ 

/*All links*/
a {
font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif !important;
font-size: 16px !important;
color: #7C4DBE;
background-color: transparent !important;
text-decoration: none !important; }

/*Unvisited link*/
a:link {
font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif !important;
font-size: 16px !important;
color: #7C4DBE;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none; }

/*Default is blue – don't want link and visited link to be different
colors because shopper will make different returns using same links*/
a:visited {
color: #7C4DBE;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: none; }

/*Mousing over a hyperlink*/
a:hover {
color: #9400D3;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline !important; }

/*"Use anyway" link in invalid address pop-up*/
a.invalid-address-override:hover {
color: #9400D3;
background-color: transparent;
text-decoration: underline !important; }

Templates 2 and 3: Details Section

In Template 2 and Template 3, we have an additional Details section on the Landing Page:

Currently, the template code is as follows:

<p style="font-size:16px;"> For more information about our return 
policy, please visit our <a href="INSERT RETURN POLICY URL HERE">
Return Policy </a> page. For additional support, please contact us via
[INSERT CONTACT DETAILS HERE]. To learn more about us, please visit
our <a href=" INSERT ABOUT US URL HERE "> About Us </a> page.</p>

To customize the hyperlink for your Return Policy page, update the URL as indicated in the following:

<a href =”INSERT RETURN POLICY URL HERE”>Return Policy</a>

Make sure your URL falls within the quotations. To customize the hyperlink text, replace the “INSERT HYPERLINK TEXT HERE” text within the <a...></a> tags.

To customize the contact details for additional support, update the text within the <p></p> tags.

To customize the hyperlink for your About Us page, update the URL as indicated in the following:

<a href =”INSERT ABOUT US URL HERE” > About Us </a>

Once again, make sure your URL falls within the quotations. To customize the hyperlink text, replace the “INSERT HYPERLINK TEXT HERE” text within the <a...></a> tags.

Note: you can also add or remove hyperlinks if you follow proper hyperlink structure as we’ve discussed in this section.


Accessible Colors

Free, Open-source Fonts

Web-safe Fonts

Coding Help

ReturnLogic Help

We're here to help! Email us at or use the live chat inside the platform with any questions or feedback. However, if you require further customization, we recommend working with your internal development team or connecting with an agency partner.

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