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Admin - Dashboard

Here's a guide on the Admin Dashboard

Nate Goodrich avatar
Written by Nate Goodrich
Updated over 6 months ago

This is the Dashboard. This is the first thing you’ll see upon logging in as an administrator and will be your overview for your program. The dashboard consists of a Summary, Submissions Status, Dates & Deadlines, and Notes and Questions from Reviewers about submissions and the event.

Summary and Submissions

The Summary section shows how many days are left till applications close and the number of entries that users have submitted for this event.

The Submission section breaks down the previously stated entries by submissions status. The statuses are as follows:

  • Accepted – A submission should be in accepted status when it has been submitted and is ready to be evaluated by a reviewer. Setting a submission to accepted will prompt an email letting the submitter know that they will be advancing to the evaluation round. You can edit the content of this email under Event Details> Manage Email Templates> Submission Accepted Email. This email can be turned off at any time. Submissions cannot be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • Closed – A submission should be marked as closed in situations like removing test submissions. These submissions will not be visible to reviewers. Submissions cannot be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • Denied – A submission should be marked as denied if they are not to advance to the evaluation round. Setting a submission to denied may prompt an email letting the submitter know that they will not be advancing to the evaluation round. You can edit the content of this email under Event Details> Manage Email Templates> Submission Denied Email. This email can be turned on and off at any time. Submissions cannot be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • Incomplete – Submissions will be automatically marked as “Incomplete” when a submitter clicks “Save and Logout”. Note, this is not a status you can assign to a submission but is instead system generated upon clicking “Save and Logout”. Submissions can be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • New – A submission will be in new status if a submitter has started a submission without creating an account and saving and exiting. This is useful for knowing how much traffic your event is getting.

  • Pending – This is a dynamic status that can be used for quite a few reasons. It is also a status that is assigned manually by an administrator. Often times this status is used when a submission is reopened for edit ability. For example, between rounds, missing information, etc. Submissions can be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • Ready – A submission will be ready once it has been submitted by a submitter. Submissions can be edited in this status by default. This can be changed under the Event Config.

  • New – This is a submission status that gets marked when a submission is first created and HAS NOT saved and logged out or submitted. This is a legacy status that will be removed in a future release. If you are looking to an idea on how many submissions have started but not finished, please use the “Incomplete” submission status.

Dates & Deadlines

The Dates & Deadlines section shows the dates for Submission Close, Evaluation Start, and Evaluation Close. You can also add custom dates for things like rounds, etc.

NOTE: A "Custom Date" will NOT programmatically control any deadlines.

To change dates or add dates to the timeline:

  1. Choose "Update Dates" next to the “Dates and Deadlines” section title

  2. Choose "Edit" in the top right corner

  3. CHANGE DATE (Check step below to add date). Edit the applicable deadline:

    1. Submission Deadline = Submission Close

    2. Evaluation Start Date= Evaluation Start

    3. Evaluation Deadline = Evaluation Close

  4. ADD DATE (Check step above to change date). Scroll down to “Custom Dates” at the bottom of the page

  5. Choose "Add" on the right side

  6. Add a name and date for the event being added to the timeline

    1. If the event has a start and end date (For example, a Round 2), check and input a start and end date

  7. Choose "Save" in the bottom middle towards the left.

Notes and Questions from Reviewers About Submissions and the Event

The Notes and Comments from Reviewers About Submissions and the Event sections show any note, comments, or questions that reviewers may have left on submissions when evaluating them.

Both the sections show the submission that was noted or commented on, the first and last name of the reviewer, and the date it was created.

Notes will show the notes that were left on the submission.

Questions will show the question that was asked along with a response if someone has answered it.

To view a note or question and the submission:

  1. Choose the blue button with the Submission Name on the left side.

  2. On the right side, choose either “Questions and Comments” or “Notes”

  3. Choose "View" to see the question or comment

  4. If you would like to edit question or comment, respond to a question or choose whether other reviewers can see a note, choose

ONLY FOR NOTE. Choose "Share with other judges" to show note to other reviewers that are viewing this submission

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