This is the Event Configs page that Admins can access. These are the customizable settings for your event.
The settings are broken up into 5 tabs:
Microsite Settings
Submission Settings
Judge Settings
Search Settings
Showcase Settings
Microsite Settings
This tab contains the settings for your event's microsite. These settings are also available in your event's "Profile" page.
This tab also contains the Showcase page configuration settings.
Submission Settings
This tab contains the settings and configurations that control the submission process of your event
Judge Settings
This tab contains the settings and configurations that control the evaluation process of your event
Search Settings
This tab control the search filters and table columns that display for your submitters and reviewers in their respective portals.
Showcase settings
This tab is used to configure which submission form fields will display on the showcase page
Submission Settings tab
Submitter Submission Limit - This setting controls how many submission forms can be completed per person. Once a submitter has completed and submitted that number of applications, they will no longer be able to Add Another Submission.
Thank You Message - This is the text that appears after submission
Submitter Portal Instructions - Here you'll put any instructions you wish submitters to see when logging back into an event or after a submission (If the Thank You Message is disabled)
Editable Submission Statuses - This is where you'll choose what statuses are able to be edited by submitters. The default statuses for editing are Ready, Pending, Incomplete, and New
Incomplete Submission Reminder - This is where you can pick a number of days for the system to automatically send the "Incomplete Submission Reminder" email after a submission has been started, but not submitted, as well as set the frequency (in days) for how often the reminder email is sent.
Judge Settings tab
Submission Statuses Presentable to Reviewers - This is where you'll choose what statuses are able to be reviewed by reviewers. The default status for reviewing is Accepted
Ranking Tool - This is outside of the typical evaluation form and is used as a forced ranking tool. Please consult Reviewr before enabling this
Notes - This should be enabled if you want the other reviewers to see a reviewer's comments on a submission
Comments/Questions Shared Between Reviewers - This should be enabled if you would like to share comments made by reviewers to submitters
Comment Notifications - This should be enabled if you want the reviewers or submitters to be notified when a comment is made on a submission that is either theirs or one that they're reviewing. This automatically send the corresponding email in the "Email Templates" section
Reviewer Evaluations Shared With Submitters - This allows you to share evaluations with submitters either always, never, or only when the event is over
Reviewer Division Search - This should be enabled if you want reviewers to be able to search for submissions by division
Reviewer Manager Evaluation Report Access - This allows reviewer managers to pull an evaluation report for all the evaluations within the groups they're a manager for
Reviewer Manager Submission Report Access - This allows reviewer managers to pull a submission report for all the submissions within the event (Not just within the groups they're in or the ones they're managers of)
Scoring - This allows reviewers to score submissions with an evaluation
Reviewers Are Anonymous To Submitters - This should be enabled if you want the reviewers to be able to see what they scored a submission
Evaluation Scores Are Visible To Reviewers - This should be enabled if you want the reviewers to be able to see what they scored a submission
Evaluation Scores Are Visible To Submitters - This should be enabled if you want the submitters to be able to see what they scored on a submission
Reviewer Editable Submission Statuses - This is where you'll choose what statuses are able to be edited by reviewers. The default statutes for editing is all of them off
Showcase Settings (under the "Microsite Settings" tab of the Event Configs page)
Enable Submission Rating - checkbox to allow submission to be rated
Rating Type - This is where you can choose the rating type for submissions in the Showcase. One-To-Ten - 1 to 10 hearts that shows an average. One-To-Five - 1 to 5 hearts that shows an average. Like - 1 thumbs up option
Require a Login To Rate a Submission - This will require a user to be logged in in order to vote, and will prevent voters from submitting multiple votes for the same submission(s)
Rating Frequency - This is where you can choose the frequency people can rate a submission, You'll choose the number and the period of time to allow voting
Rating Period - This is where you decide the unit of time used for the "Rating Frequency" setting. You can choose Hours, Days, or Weeks.
Start Date - Here you'll choose the start date of the voting
End Date - Here you'll choose the end date of the voting