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Admin - Manage Submissions
Admin - Manage Submissions

Here's a guide on the Manage Submissions

Nate Goodrich avatar
Written by Nate Goodrich
Updated today

This is the Manage Submissions page.

This is where you can manage your submissions.


Add Submission - This allows you to create a new submission

Download - This produces a report showing Submission Name, Submission ID, Status, Created Time, Updated Time, Company/Organization, First Name, Last Name, Birth Date, Email Address, and Phone Number.

You can search for Submissions by Group, Division, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Submission Name, Submission ID, Status, Label, and Submitted Date. After entering the criteria, select "Search". Selecting "Reset" will clear out all criteria that is entered above.

You can sort Submissions based on Submission ID, Submissions Name, Group, Team, Status, Custom Labels, Company, Submit Time, Created Date, and Updated Date.

Viewing a Submission

To View a Submission, select the eye icon next to the desired submission.

As an Admin, when viewing a submission, you can view the Submission (Details), Submitters/Editors, Attachments, and Evaluations, and Supplemental Forms. You can even Add New Supplemental Forms to a Submission.

You can also add Questions/Comments (when enabled by an Admin), Notes (when enabled by an Admin), Groups/Divisions, and Custom Labels (when enabled by Reviewr).

  • Details - This is where you’ll see the submission

  • Submitters - This is where you’ll see submitters of the submission.

    • You can sort submitters by First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

  • You can add a submitter by selecting "Add Submission Editor". Here you’ll enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email of the submitter. The rest of the fields are optional. Once the desired submitter information has been entered, select "Save"

  • You can assign submitters to a submission by selecting "Assign Competitors". You’ll then be prompted to search for submitters by Submission Name, Competitor Name, and Email. After entering the criteria, select "Search". Selecting "Reset" will clear out all criteria that is entered above. You can sort submitters by Event, Submission, Competitor, and Email. To add the submitter, select "Add". To remove a submitter, select "Remove". Once the desired actions have been made, select "Save".

  • You can assign Competitor Labels to a submitter by selecting “Assign Labels” from the drop-down in the bottom right and selecting

    • NOTE: Currently, Admins are not able to create new Custom Labels, Labels can only be created by the Reviewr Support team. Once a label has been created, Admins are able to assign labels to submissions.

  • Attachments - This is where you’ll see Attachments tied to the submission.

    • To upload an attachment, select "Upload Attachment". You’ll then enter the File Name, Description, and select whether it’s an Upload or Link. Once everything is entered, select "Upload and Save"

    • To view an attachment, select the eye icon next to the attachment.

    • To edit the attachment (Name, Description, and Upload/Link), select the edit icon next to the attachment.

    • To download the attachment, select the download icon next to the attachment

    • To delete the attachment, select the trash can icon

Set As Logo - This ties the picture to the submitters Reviewr account.

  • Evaluations - This is where you’ll see Evaluations tied to the submission.

    • To view an evaluation, select the eye icon next to the attachment.

  • Questions/Comments - When this feature is enabled, this is where Admins and Judges/Reviewers can add a question or comment on a submission for the applicant to see within their submitter portal. Other judges, and other admins will be able to see these Questions/Comments if they are assigned to the same submission.

    • To add a comment for the applicant, select "Add Question/Comment". Once you’ve entered the question or comment, select "Save"

    • To view a comment, select "View"

    • To edit or respond to a comment, select "View", then "Edit". Once the edits or response has been made, select "Save"

  • Notes - This is where you can add a note on a submission for other reviewers (optional) and other admins.

    • To add a note, select "Add Note". Once you’ve entered the note, you have the option to share with other reviewers. If you’d like to do so, select the checkbox next to “Share with other judges”. After all of this, select "Save"

    • To view a note, select "View"

    • To edit a note, select "Edit". You also have the option to share with other judges by selecting the checkbox. After edits have been made, select "Save"

  • Group/Division - This is where you can add or remove the submission from a Group or Division.

    • To add the submission to a division, select "Edit" to the right of “Division”. Then select the radio field next to the desired division. Once the desired division has been selected, select "Save". NOTE: Submissions can only be in one division, but they can be in multiple groups.

    • To remove a submission from a division, select "Add Groups" to the right of “Division”. Then select the radio field next to “None”. Then select "Save"

    • To add a submission to a group, select "Add Groups". You can then search for a Group by entering the Group Name in the Group Name box. Once this has been done, select "Search. You will see the searched or all the groups for the event. You can select the applicable group by selecting the checkbox next to the group. Once the desired group(s) have been selected, select "Save"

    • To remove a submission from a group, select "Remove Groups". You can then search for a Group by entering the Group Name in the Group Name box. Once this has been done, select "Search". You will see the searched or all the groups for the event. You can select the applicable group by selecting the next to the group. Once the desired group(s) have been selected, select "Save"

  • Custom Labels - This is where you can add Submission Labels to a Submission.

    • To add a Submission Label, select "Edit". Then select the checkbox next to the desired label(s). Once the desired label(s) have been selected, select "Save"

    • To remove a Submission Label, select "Edit". Then select the checkbox next to the desired label(s). Once the desired label(s) have been selected, select "Save"

    Supplemental Forms Tab

    While viewing a Submission, the Supplemental Forms tab allows you to see the name, email, type, status, and created date of a supplemental form request while having the ability to add existing or new requests and view, edit, copy, retrigger the invite, and delete existing requests

    • To view it, select the eye icon.

    • To edit it, select the edit icon

    • To copy it, select the two paper icon

    • To retrigger the invite, select the person icon

    • To delete it, select the trash can icon

To add an existing request, select "Add Existing". From there, you can search for an existing request(s) by either first name, last name, email, and/or submission name. Once you've found the request(s), you'll want to select the checkbox(es) next to the desired requests and then select "Add". You can reset the search criteria by selecting "Reset".

To add a new request, select "Add New". From there, you'll have to enter a first name, last name, email, and supplemental form type. Once this is done, you can select "Save and Exit" if you don't want to trigger an invite email or "Save and Send" if you would like to trigger an invite email.

To return to managing all the submissions, select the back arrow in the top right.

Editing a Submission

  • Select the eye icon next to the desired submission

  • Select the "Edit". NOTE: When editing a submission, there are some things to be aware of:

    • Thank You Email: If this feature is being used and the submission is submitted again, it will resend the email to the submitter.

    • Status: If the submission is submitted again, the status will change from “Accepted” to “Ready”.

  • In order to avoid some of the effects that come with resubmitting, an option is to “Save and Logout” which should be present at the top of each page.

  • If there is no “Save and Logout” or you’re concerned with what effects might happen when editing, please contact Reviewr.

Bulk Actions

To use bulk actions, select the checkbox next to the desired submission(s). Then select one of the following:

  • Mark as Pending (Status) - This should be used for submissions that have been submitted but are being turned back to the submitter for edits. Admins can enable Submissions in “Pending” status to be edited by submitters from the Event Configs page.

  • Mark as Ready (Status) - This should be used for submissions that have been submitted for the first time. NOTE: Submissions that are submitted will automatically be set to “Ready” status unless otherwise changed by the Reviewr team. Admins can enable Submissions in “Ready” status to be edited by submitters from the Event Configs page.

  • Mark as Accepted (Status) - This should be used for submissions that have been reviewed by the admin team and are continuing on the evaluations from reviewers (if applicable). NOTE: Changing a submission to “Accepted” will instantly alert the submitter they have been accepted if the “Submission Accepted” email is being used. By default, Submissions in “Accepted” status are NOT able to be edited by submitters.

  • Mark as Denied (Status) - This should be used for submissions that do not meet the criteria to move on to evaluations. NOTE: Changing a submission to “Denied” will instantly alert the submitter they have been denied if the “Submission Denied” email is being used. By default, Submissions in “Denied” status are NOT able to be edited by submitters.

  • Mark as Closed (Status) - This should be used for submissions that are desired to be deleted. In this case, contact Reviewr and we will remove the submission(s) from the event. By default, Submissions in “Closed” status are NOT able to be edited by submitters.

NOTE: Admins can configure any status to be editable or non-editable by going to the Event Configs page, and editing the setting called "Editable Submission Statuses".

  • Assign Group - This should be used to assign submission(s) to group(s)

  • Clear Group - This should be used to remove group association for submission(s) from groups.

  • Assign Division - This should be used to assign submission(s) to a division. NOTE: Only one division may be assigned to each submission

  • Mark Winner - This should be used to mark a submission as the winner. Upon doing this, you’ll be prompted to also change the Group and Division that the submission is in.

  • Remove Winner - This should be used to remove the “Winner” tag on a submission.

  • Email Winners - This should be used to notify the winner. In order to edit the email, you’ll have to edit the “Winner Notification Email” template under the “Email Templates” page. The email will be sent immediately upon selecting "Send Email"

  • Email Submitter(s) - This can be used to notify any submitter(s) within the event. This will allow an email to a submitter outside of email templates. You’ll be able to choose the Subject and Body. When everything is to your liking, select "Send"

    • NOTE: the Email Submitter(s) option is in the process of being deprecated, as the BCC function no longer works. "Send Template Email" should be used instead, since it has full functionality.

  • Send Template Email - This should be used to manually send an existing email template to any number of submitters. You will be able to select which email template you'd like, and then click "Send"

  • Upload Competitors - NOTE: This creates a submission for submitters to go into and finish. This should be used to import multiple submissions through a .csv file.

  • Invite Competitors - This should be used to invite submitters to complete imported submissions.

  • Assign Labels - This should be used to assign label(s) to submission(s). Select the label(s) by selecting the checkbox next to the desired label(s). Then select "Save"

View Results

This page will be used to compare submissions when making decisions on moving between groups (best used for round-type situations).

You can search for Submissions by Group, Division, Scorecard assigned to it, Label, Submission Name, and Judge Name who’s assigned to it.

You can sort Submissions by Submission Name, Label, and Average Score.

To view a submission, select "View". This will allow all the options under “Viewing a Submission”.

To advance/move submission(s), select the checkbox next to the desired submission(s), then select the desired group from the dropdown in the bottom left. Then select "Go"

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