After logging into your Reviewer portal, you will see any submissions that have been assigned to you for review at the bottom of the page, below the search filters.
Each submission can be viewed, either by clicking the "eye" icon in the first column, or by clicking the "pencil" icon to immediately begin evaluating.
If you have not started an evaluation form, it will say "Not Started"
If you have started an evaluation form, but have not hit Submit, it will say "Incomplete" and the Score will say "In Progress"
If you have completed and submitted a form, the score will display, and the status will be "Complete"
When viewing your assigned submissions, the submission form will show on the left side of the page, and the option to Evaluate will be on the right side of the page.
Details - The details page contains the submission
To return to the dashboard, select the back arrow in the top right-hand corner
Attachments - This allows you to see the attachments on a submission.
To view an attachment, select the eye icon next to the desired attachment
To download an attachment, select the download icon next to the desired attachment
Supplemental Forms - This allows you to see the supplemental form requests tied to a submission
To view a supplemental form request, select the eye icon next to the desired request
Questions/Comments - This is where you can leave questions/comments for the submitter (Option must be enabled by your event's Admin)
To view an existing question/comment, select "View" next to the desired question/comment
To add a question/comment, select "Add Question/Comment"
Once you've entered the desired question/comment, select "Save"
Notes - This is where notes from other reviewers will appear along with the ability for you to submit notes that they, and the event administrator(s), can see. (Option must be enabled by your event's Admin)
To view an existing note, select "View"
To add a note, select "Add Note"
Once you've entered the desired note, you can select to share with other reviewers by checking "Share with other judges"
Once everything is set, select "Save"
To view the evaluation options for a submission, select “My Evaluations”
To evaluate a submission, select "Evaluate Now"
Here you’ll see the Submission on the left side and the Evaluation on the right side