As a reviewer manager, you have access to the “Managed Submissions” tab within your Reviewer/Judge portal.
Here you search for submission(s) within the group(s) you’re assigned to by Group, Division, Assigned Scorecard, Submission Name, and Reviewer Name. Once the desired search criteria has been selected, select "Search". To clear all search criteria, select "Reset"
You can sort submissions by Submission Name and Average Score.
You are able to select the submissions and do the following bulk actions by selecting them from the drop-down in the bottom left:
Mark Winner - This will mark the submission as a winner in the system
Remove Winner - This will remove the winner mark on a submission
Email Winners - This allows you to send an email to the selected submitter(s) that notifies them that they’ve been selected as a winner
Assign Group - This allows you to assign the submission to another group (best used with round-based evaluating)
Once you have selected the Bulk Action you desire, select "Go"
This is where you can view the groups you're a reviewer manager for and change the reviewer assignments
Here you can search groups by name, the name of a reviewer in a group, or a reviewer manager for a group
You can sort the groups by name, start date, end date, whether the assignments are automatic or manual, whether evaluations are shared, and whether the group is hidden in the reviewer search