Adding/editing Deadlines via Your Profile
This is the Profile page. This is where you will go to change things like Event Title, Event Logo, Deadlines, Event Descriptions and Rules, and what is displayed on the microsite.
To edit anything on this page:
Choose "Edit"
Editing the “Signup Deadline” will change the date submitters can sign up for the event till
Editing the “Submission Deadline” will change the date submitters can submit their submissions till
Editing the “Evaluation Start Date” will change when evaluations are able to be made
Editing the “Evaluation Deadline” will change when evaluations can be made till
You can also edit these dates using the Dates & Deadlines section on your dashboard
The Dates & Deadlines section shows the dates for Submission Close, Evaluation Start, and Evaluation Close. You can also add custom dates for things like rounds, etc.
NOTE: A "Custom Date" will NOT programmatically control any deadlines.
To change dates or add dates to the timeline:
Choose "Update Dates" next to the “Dates and Deadlines” section title
Choose "Edit" in the top right corner
CHANGE DATE (Check step below to add date). Edit the applicable deadline:
Submission Deadline = Submission Close
Evaluation Start Date= Evaluation Start
Evaluation Deadline = Evaluation Close
Choose "Save" in the bottom middle towards the left.