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How to add a Group
Nate Goodrich avatar
Written by Nate Goodrich
Updated over 9 months ago

To add a group, go to Event Details -> Manage Groups & Divisions.

Then, under the "Group" tab, select the button "Add Group".

  • Group Name - This will be the name for the group

  • Start Date and End Date - Have complete control over dates and deadlines for specific workflows. With open and close dates at the group level, you are able to manage evaluating ability for reviewers assigned to that group.

  • Is this group managed by the auto-assign function? (hover for more details) - This should be enabled if you would like submissions to be automatically grouped (Auto-Grouped) based on certain criteria within the submission form.

  • Share Evaluations with the competitors? - This should be enabled if you would like members in this group to see their evaluations on their own submissions.

  • Hide this group's view/tab in the Judge Submission Search? - This should be enabled if you would like to hide a group from reviewers.

You can search for groups by Group Name, Reviewer Name, or Reviewer Manager Name.

You can sort groups by Group Name, Start Date, End Date, whether the assignments are automatic or manual, if evaluations are shared with submitters, and if the group is hidden from reviewers by selecting the applicable option in the blue row above the group list.

You can also Edit, Assign Reviewers, Assign Manager, and Management Assignments for each group.

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