What's better than treating one patient? A whole family of patients!
To establish related people in Clerk, you will head to the Patients tab > look up one of the desired Patients > and go the Details tab of their Patient Profile:
Scroll down until you find the Related People's section towards the bottom in the right column. Select the Pencil Icon to edit:
Once in Edit Mode, you'll be able to add in the relationship to the patient (spouse, child, sibling, parent, care giver, friend, significant other, other). If the Related Person is a patient in Clerk, flip the Patient toggle On to and then search for the Patient:
Once everything looks good, go ahead and save! A healthy family is a happy family! 🥰
✨Psst!✨ This now means you're one step closer to getting Family Checkins setup with our Kiosk! You may CLICK HERE to learn more about this.